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6GNet 2023 : International Conference on 6G Networking


When Oct 18, 2023 - Oct 20, 2023
Where Paris, France
Submission Deadline Jun 5, 2023
Notification Due Jun 18, 2023
Final Version Due Jun 25, 2023
Categories    communications   networks   netwoking   6G

Call For Papers


International Conference on 6G Networking

October 18-20, 2023
Paris, France

Technically Sponsored by IEEE France Section


***** Paper Submission deadline Extended to June 5, 2023 (Firm Deadline)*****

We are very pleased to welcome you to the 2nd edition of the International Conference on 6G Networking (6GNet 2023), which will be held in Paris, France, from October 18 to 20, 2023!

6G network research has already started with some initiatives like the 6G Flagship. Besides the (somewhat questionable) speed race, 6G networking is a tremendous opportunity to investigate and foster research in areas like the need for massive digital inclusion and stronger robustness against attacks of any kind, among other challenging topics like global network automation and cross-domain service/slice design, delivery and operation. 6G networking may also be seen as a true convergence point where the distinction between fixed and mobile infrastructures would not make sense anymore. The research effort in this area of convergence has ignited for quite some time but dramatically progressed with 5G techniques, possibly combined with others like advanced forwarding schemes (multi-path communication designs) or AI/ML-fueled network automation. This second 6G conference therefore aims at assessing the progress of the various research efforts in areas that will forge 6G networks.

The 2nd edition of the International Conference on 6G Networking (6GNet) is inviting authors to submit original contributions in the area of 6G network.

The 6GNet conference will thus bring together top-notch experts from academia and industry (including network operators) to stimulate discussions, introduce news ideas and therefore contribute to the progress of 6G networking research.

This 6GNet conference will take place in Paris, France from October 18 to October 20, 2023.

- 6G Physical layers
- 6G RAN
- 6GC - Core Network
- Softwarisation and virtualization
- LF Networking
- 6G slicing
- Control algorithms
- Network management
- Self driving networks
- 6G visions
- Ad hoc and mesh networks
- Autonomous and urban networks
- Edge and embedded Edge Cloud Computing
- End user Computing
- Mobile datacenter
- 6G for mobile Internet
- 6G D2D
-Private 6G
- Hybrid technology (Wi-Fi 8 and 6G)
- 6G Vehicular networks
- 6G Intelligence
- Implementations, testbeds, and prototypes
- Energy-efficient networking
- Security and privacy
- 6G Geolocation
- Zero-touch networks
- Underwater 6G wireless networks
- Low and high 6G platforms
- Drone networking in 6G environments
- 6G satellite networks
- Global 6G network automation (from service/slice parameter exposure and negotiation to service/slice fulfilment and assurance)
- 6G migration strategies (coexistence with 5G and legacy techs)
- Dynamic inter-domain service/slice (including service function chaining) design and provisioning and their implications (security, collaboration schemes, the need for consistency, etc.)
- AI/ML driven network automation/orchestration techniques
- Smart (e.g., dynamically adaptive to network access conditions, the nature of traffic patterns, etc.)
- 6G connectivity designs for massive digital inclusion
- 6G Green networking
- 6G Applications


Confirmed Keynotes:

- Matti Latva-Aho, Professor at University of Oulu & Director of 6G Flagship, Finland
- Van-Tam Nguyen, Head of the Communications and Electronics department at Telecom Paris, France
- Halim Yanikomeroglu, Fellow of IEEE, Professor of Systems and Computer Engineering, Carleton University, Canada


Submission guidelines

6G Network 2023 solicits original, unpublished work not currently under review by other conferences or journals. Papers submitted to 6G Networking 2023 will be assessed based on originality, technical soundness, clarity and interest to a wide audience.

All submissions must be written in English and must use standard IEEE two-column conference template, available for download from the IEEE website:

Only PDF files will be accepted for the review process and all submissions must be done electronically through EDAS using the following link:

Technical papers can be of four types: full papers, short papers, abstract paper, poster & demo papers. These submissions will be up to 8 pages, 5 pages, 1 page, 3 pages respectively, including tables, figures and references.

Full Paper – maximum length of 8 pages (11-point font) including tables, figures and references. The 15 best papers will be published in an extended version in Annals of Telecommunications, a Springer Journal.

Short Paper – maximum length of 4 pages with a minimum length of 3 pages (11-point font) including tables, figures and references.

Abstract Paper - maximum length of 1 page and minimum length of half a page. Accepted abstract papers will not be published in IEEE Xplore proceedings. These papers concerns, new ideas, last minute results, industrial projects, economical papers.
Posters & Demo papers of length of 3 pages are also solicited.

Special Sessions

It is possible to submit special sessions consisting of 3 to 5 papers. For this, the applicant must submit a title of the session and abstracts of the papers that will be presented. The applicant should also be the chair of the session.

Participants in the session must register for the conference at the registration fee of an accepted paper. The applicant of a selected session will get a free registration.

Important dates

- Paper submission deadline: June 5, 2023 (Firm deadline)
- Paper acceptance notification: June 18, 2023
- Camera-ready Papers: June 25, 2023

Looking forward for your submissions and meeting you in Paris!

General Chairs:
- Raouf Boutaba , University of Waterloo, Canada
- Guy Pujolle, Sorbonne University, France

TPC Chairs:
- Amina Boubendir, Airbus, France
- Abdallah Shami, Western University, Canada
- Daniel Benevides da Costa, Technology Innovation Institute, UAE


Related Resources

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IEEE-Ei/Scopus-ITCC 2025   2025 5th International Conference on Information Technology and Cloud Computing (ITCC 2025)-EI Compendex
CFC-6G-CyberSecurity 2025   CFC - Book: 6G Networks and AI-Driven Cybersecurity
SPIE-Ei/Scopus-DMNLP 2025   2025 2nd International Conference on Data Mining and Natural Language Processing (DMNLP 2025)-EI Compendex&Scopus
IEEE-Ei/Scopus-CNIOT 2025   2025 IEEE 6th International Conference on Computing, Networks and Internet of Things (CNIOT 2025) -EI Compendex
EuCNC & 6G Summit 2025   EuCNC & 6G Summit 2025
NTIJ 2025   Nanoscience and Technology: An International Journal
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SC 2025   The International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage, and Analysis