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MHDW 2023 : Call for Papers: MHDW 2023 with journal special issue


When Jun 14, 2023 - Jun 17, 2023
Where Hybrid @ Leon - Spain & Web
Submission Deadline Mar 20, 2023
Notification Due Apr 3, 2023
Final Version Due Apr 17, 2023
Categories    humanistic data collection and   social data mining   educational data mining   deep learning for humanistic d

Call For Papers

The abundance of available data, which is retrieved from or is related to the areas of Humanities and the human condition, challenges the research community in processing and analyzing it. The aim is two-fold: on the one hand, to extract knowledge that will help to understand human behavior, creativity, way of thinking, reasoning, learning, decision making, socializing and even biological processes; on the other hand, to exploit the extracted knowledge by incorporating it into intelligent systems that will support humans in their everyday activities.

The nature of humanistic data can be multimodal, semantically heterogeneous, dynamic, context-, time- and space-dependent, as well as highly complicated. Translating humanistic information, e.g. behavior, interaction, state of mind, artistic creation, linguistic utterance, learning and genomic information into numerical or categorical low-level data, is considered a significant challenge on its own. New techniques, appropriate to deal with this type of data, need to be proposed whereas existing ones must be adapted to its special characteristics. Furthermore, Ubiquitous Computing technologies (aka Pervasive Computing, Mobile Computing, Ambient Intelligence, etc.) collect large volumes of usually heterogeneous data in order to effect adaptation, learning and in general context awareness. Data matching, fusion and mining techniques are necessary to ensure human centered application functionality.

The workshop aims to bring together interdisciplinary approaches that focus on the application of innovative as well as existing data matching, fusion and mining as well as knowledge discovery and management techniques (like decision rules, decision trees, association rules, ontologies and alignments, clustering, filtering, learning, classifier systems, neural networks, support vector machines, preprocessing, post processing, feature selection, visualization techniques) to data derived from all areas of Humanistic Sciences, e.g. linguistic, historical, behavioral, psychological, artistic, musical, educational, social, etc., Ubiquitous, Pervasive and Mobile Computing, as well as Bioinformatics.

Aim and topics
Topics of interest include but are not limited to:
- Humanistic data collection and interpretation
- Data pre-processing
- Feature selection methodologies
- Supervised or unsupervised learning of humanistic knowledge
- Deep learning for humanistic data
- Clustering/Classification techniques
- Fuzzy modeling
- Heterogeneous data fusion
- Knowledge representation and reasoning
- Linguistic data and text mining
- Educational data mining
- Music information retrieval
- Data-driven profiling/ personalization
- User modeling
- Behavior prediction
- Recommender systems
- Web sentiment analysis
- Social data mining
- Data visualization techniques
- Integration of data mining results into real-world applications with humanistic context
- Ontologies, ontology matching and alignment
- Mining humanistic data in the cloud
- Game data mining
- Data Mining for Virtual and Augmented Reality
- Speech and audio data processing
- Data mining techniques for knowledge discovery
- Biomedical data mining
- Bioinformatics
- Content creation, annotation and modeling for semantic and social web
- Computational intelligence for media adaptation and personalization
- Semantics-driven indexing and retrieval of multimedia contents
- Semantic context modeling and extraction
- Context-aware applications
- Social web economics and business
- Privacy/security issues in social and personalized applications
- Privacy preserving data mining and social networks
- Social data analytics
- Ubiquitous, Pervasive and Mobile Computing for the Humanities

Papers submission
The paper submission deadline is *20/03/2023*. Details about the MHDW 2023 submission guidelines are available on the MHDW 2023 website (

All papers presented at the workshop will be published by the AIAI 2023 Conference Proceedings and thus will be submitted to international organizations for indexing (SCOPUS, DBLP, Google Scholar, ACM Digital Library, IO-Port, MAthSciNet, CPCI, Zentralblatt MATH, and EI Engineering Index).

As with previous MHDW workshops, plans are in place to have extended versions of selected papers appear in international journal Special Issue(s) to be announced.

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