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CFG 2024 : Cadernos de Fraseoloxía Galega, issue 25


When Jan 20, 2023 - Oct 24, 2023
Where Galicia
Submission Deadline TBD
Categories    phraseology   metalaguage

Call For Papers

Cadernos de Fraseoloxía Galega (CFG), an international journal of phraseological and
paremiological research published by the Centro Ramón Piñeiro para a Investigación en
Humanidades (Xunta de Galicia), is calling for contributions for issue 25, which this time will be a
monographic issue about the metalanguage in the field of Phraseology, a relevant topic due to
the imperative need, in the 21st century, to homogenise the intralinguistic and interlinguistic
terminology of phraseology. In its 25th issue, CFG seeks to analyse the state of the art in several
languages, the problems presented by the great variety existing in each of them and to provide an
answer to this question by encouraging researchers to participate in a collective effort to establish
a consistent terminology for the elements and concepts related to the field of study which are
common to every language.
The Research Articles must be original and unpublished works with a theoretical or applied
(translation, didactics, phraseography...) approach on the phraseology of any language. The
recommended length is about 40 000 characters. As always, the journal will also accept
Recadádivas (original compilations of Galician phraseology) and reviews (original critical reviews of
recent works on phraseology with a recommended maximum length of 20 000 characters).
Even though the deadline is permanently open, only manuscripts received by October 24, 2023
will be considered for issue 25. All papers should be send in Word, RTF or OpenOffice format to and will follow the journal's style guidelines, which can be consulted at the
following link: Contributions submitted in
a language other than Galician will be translated free of charge by the editorial team.

Related Resources

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