Call for Papers | Final Abstrcat Submission Deadline: July 05, 2023
Online and Live-Stream Options available
The 4th Barcelona Conference on Arts, Media & Culture (BAMC2023) will be held alongside The 4th Barcelona Conference on Education (BCE2023), and many of the sessions will concentrate on areas at the intersection of education and the arts and humanities. In keeping with IAFOR’s commitment to interdisciplinary study, delegates at either conference are encouraged to attend sessions in other disciplines. Registration for either conference will allow delegates to attend sessions in the other. We expect the resultant professional and personal collaborations to endure for many years, and we look forward to seeing you in Barcelona and online!
Advertising, Marketing, & Public Relations | Aesthetics and Design | Ageing Studies | Architecture, Geography and Urban Studies | Area Studies | Arts Practices | Climate Change and Arts, Media, Culture | Communication | Cultural Studies | Difference/Identity/Ethnicity | Digital Humanities | Education/Pedagogy | Film Studies | Gender, Sexuality and Culture | Linguistics, Language and Cultural Studies | Literature, Literary Studies and Theory | Media Studies | Performing Arts Practices: Theater, Dance, Music | Politics and Philosophy | Queer Theory | Sociology | Visual Culture | Other