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PAISE 2023 : Parallel AI and Systems for the Edge


When May 19, 2023 - May 19, 2023
Where St. Petersburg, Florida USA
Submission Deadline Feb 13, 2023
Notification Due Feb 27, 2023
Final Version Due Mar 7, 2023
Categories    edge computing   AI/ML   IOT   distributed systems

Call For Papers

PAISE 2023: Call for Papers, New Format!

The 5th Workshop on Parallel AI and Systems for the Edge (PAISE) in 2023 will feature a discussion-based format and take place on Friday, May 19 2023 and will be held in conjunction with IPDPS 2023 in St. Petersburg, Florida, USA .

From applications to hardware platforms, Edge computing is rapidly transforming the computing landscape. Taking advantage of the waning pandemic, this year PAISE will adopt a hybrid format, prioritizing interaction focused sessions over traditional technical talks. Toward this, PAISE invites two-page extended abstracts in addition to full papers. The objective of the new format is to enable impromptu opinionated discussions that augment traditional paper presentations, resulting in post-workshop position papers authored by the workshop participants. Thus, the workshop will provide a critically needed opportunity to discuss the current trends and issues, to share visions and opinions, to collect feedback and to discuss solutions covering the following areas of edge computing:

* applications — computer vision, machine learning, analytics, IoT;
* data flows – processing pipeline of data from ingestion to archival, pipeline of AI from learning to inference;
* control flows — parallel and distributed programming models and runtimes for managing constrained resources, cybersecurity; and
* infrastructure — storage, compute, and connectivity conducive to resource-constrained and harsh edge environments.


Full technical papers, and extended abstracts on opinions, visions, positions, and solutions along the following topics are welcome:

- AI and IoT Applications at the Edge
- Collaborative and Distributed Learning at the Edge
- Cyber-Security and Privacy in Edge Computing
- DevOps across Edge and Cloud
- Data and AI Lifecycle Mgmt across Edge and Cloud
- Edge-driven HPC, and HPC-steered Edge Computing
- Energy Efficient Edge Hardware and Software
- Serverless and other Programming Models for Edge
- Multitenancy at the Edge

Paper Submission, Paper Style, and Proceedings
All papers must be original. The papers submitted to the workshop will be peer reviewed by a minimum of 3 reviewers.

The following paper categories are welcome:

- Full Papers: Full research papers should describe original work and not simultaneously submitted to another journal or conference, and be 7-8 pages in length. The full papers will be presented as 20 min talks.

- Short Papers: Position papers, visions, concepts, demo descriptions, or practice reports, 2 pages in length, should contain enough information for the program committee to evaluate whether the submission will generate discussion at the Workshop. Recently published work that is relevant to the Workshop is also welcome, although those submissions will not be included in the proceedings. The short papers will be presented as 10 min talks.

Accepted papers will be included in the IPDPS workshop proceedings. With the objective of building the community, the organizers will facilitate piecing together a position paper reflecting the workshop discussions, co-authored by all participants and published at a suitable venue after the workshop. For more details on paper submission instructions, please visit the workshop webpage (

Related Resources

PAISE 2025   7th Workshop on Parallel AI and Systems for the Edge (co-conducted with IPDPS 2025)
Signal 2025   12th International Conference on Signal and Image Processing
EXPLAINABILITY 2025   The Second International Conference on Systems Explainability
IoTI5 2025   7th International Workshop on IoT Applications and Industry 5.0
CSEIT 2025   12th International Conference on Computer Science, Engineering and Information Technology
AIFU 2025   11th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Applications
Intel4EC 2025   Third International Workshop on Intelligent and Adaptive Edge-Cloud Operations and Services In conjunction with IEEE International Parallel & Distributed Processing Symposium 2025
IJP2P 2025   International Journal of Peer-to-Peer networks
DSA 2025   The 12th International Conference on Dependability Systems and Their Applications
NLPD 2025   6th International Conference on NLP & Big Data