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ISCCGF - Zagreb 2023 : International Scientific Conference on Contemporary Glass Facades ISCCGF - Zagreb 2023


When May 23, 2023 - May 23, 2023
Where Zagreb, Croatia
Abstract Registration Due Jan 27, 2023
Submission Deadline Mar 17, 2023
Final Version Due Apr 7, 2023
Categories    architecture   engineering   design and analysis   energy efficiency

Call For Papers

We are honored to invite you on behalf of the Faculty of Architecture, University of Zagreb to the “International Scientific Conference on Contemporary Glass Facades”, to be held live in Zagreb, 23 May 2023.
The Conference will focus on a broad range of topics related to new trends in architecture in relation to glass facades. The International Scientific Conference on Contemporary Glass Facades (ISCCGF - Zagreb 2023), aims to bring together experts from several institutions such as universities, administrative organizations, architects, engineers, designers, scientists and physicists, at the framework of conference topics of building, architecture, technology, design, construction, energy efficiency, future of glass building facades, etc. The Conference organizers invite papers and presentation proposals relevant to conference themes. Considering the theme of the conference, papers with any of the following or related subjects would be appropriate for presentation: Design and Analysis of Glass Facades, Technologies and Construction of Glass Facades, Energy efficiency and sustainability of Glass Facades, and Future Trends and Opportunities for Glass Facades.

Authors are kindly invited to submit their original work. Accepted papers presented live at the conference will be published in the Conference Proceedings, and selected speakers with best suitable papers will be inquired to submit their expanded papers free of APC for processing in journal PROSTOR (indexed in Web of Science Core Collection and other relevant indexing data-bases).
There is no participation fee for attendees as well as no APC (article processing charge) for authors.

All additional information can be found on The Conference Web Page.

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