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CG-MTA 2023 : Constraint Grammar - Methods, Tools and Applications


When May 22, 2023 - May 22, 2023
Where Thórshavn
Submission Deadline Apr 10, 2023
Notification Due Apr 17, 2023
Final Version Due Jun 26, 2023
Categories    constraint grammar   computational linguistics   NLP   corpus linguistics

Call For Papers



Constraint Grammar - Methods, Tools and Applications

in conjunction with NoDaLiDa 2023, Thórshavn, Faroe Islands, May 22, 2023


This workshop on practical and theoretical aspects of CG will be co-located with NoDaLiDa 2023 in Thórshavn. The new edition of the workshop continues the tradition of CG workshops at NoDaLiDa, which started in 2005. Apart from the traditional field of corpus-oriented tagging and parsing, Constraint Grammar continues to inspire applicational work, providing a robust NLP backbone in end user-oriented systems in various areas of language technology, such as spell and grammar checking, comma correction, ICALL, machine translation, lexicography and others. We therefore envision workshop contributions both regarding basic grammatical research and corpus linguistics on the one hand, and CG-based applications on the other hand. Constraint Grammar has always elicited a strong interest from researchers working on less-resourced languages, such as the Sami languages, Greenlandic, Faroese, Tibetan and the Celtic languages, for which we explicitly invite both finished and ongoing work. Finally, there will be room for methodological contributions on the CG formalism itself regarding either its expressive power or improvements in compiler implementation.


We invite contributions concerning CG grammars for various languages or CG systems used in tools and applications. Research reports from fields relevant to the CG framework on the input side - such as finite-state analyzers, ontologies etc. - are also welcome. Finally, we are hoping for methodological contributions and experiments exploiting advances in expressive power in the most widely used CG compiler, CG-3. As usual, we encourage short papers on ongoing work.

The workshop will be organized as a half-day workshop with both full and short papers. Contributions will be reviewed anonymously, and the papers will be published in the NoDaLiDa 2023 workshop proceedings.

We invite extended abstracts, approximately 1500 words (for an 8 page full paper) or 750 words (for a 4 page short paper) - additional pages with bibliographic references not included.

Final full versions of accepted papers can be submitted after the workshop, and will be published in the NEALT Proceedings Series by Linköping University Electronic Press.


Monday, April 10, 2023: Submission of abstracts
Monday, April 17, 2023: Notification of acceptance
Monday, May 22, 2023: Workshop (NoDaLiDa main conference May 23-24)
Monday, Jun2 26, 2023: Submission of camera-ready full manuscripts


All submissions must follow the NoDaLiDa 2023 style files, which are available for LaTeX (preferred) and MS Word and can be retrieved from the following address:

Submissions must be anonymous, i.e. not reveal author(s) on the title page or through self-references. Abstracts (1500 words for full papers and 750 words for short papers, excluding bibliography) must be submitted digitally, in PDF, and uploaded through the on-line conference system. Abstract submissions that violate either of these requirements will be returned without review.


Submissions to the conference must be uploaded electronically, obeying the above requirements and no later than (end of day, world-wide):

Monday, April 10, 2023

NoDaLiDa 2023 utilizes the OpenReview conference management system for submission, reviewing, and preparation of proceedings. Submission for the conference can be made at:


* Eckhard Bick,, University of Southern Denmark
* Tino Didriksen,, GrammarSoft ApS & University of Southern Denmark
* Kristin Hagen,, University of Oslo
* Kaili Müürisep,, University of Tartu
* Trond Trosterud,, University of Tromsø.
* Linda Wiechetek,, University of Tromsø

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