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ESANN 2023 : European Symposium on Artificial Neural Networks, Computational Intelligence and Machine Learning


Conference Series : The European Symposium on Artificial Neural Networks
When Oct 4, 2023 - Oct 6, 2023
Where Bruges (Belgium)
Submission Deadline May 2, 2023
Notification Due Jun 16, 2023
Final Version Due Aug 18, 2023
Categories    neural networks   deep learning   statistical learning   data mining

Call For Papers

Call for papers
Scope and topics

Since its first happening in 1993, the European Symposium on Artificial Neural Networks has become the reference for researchers on fundamentals and theoretical aspects of artificial neural networks, computational intelligence, machine learning and related topics. Each year, around 100-140 specialists attend ESANN, in order to present their latest results and comprehensive surveys, and to discuss the future developments in this field.

The ESANN 2023 conference will follow this tradition, while adapting its scope to the recent developments in the field. The ESANN conferences cover artificial neural networks, machine learning, statistical information processing and computational intelligence. Mathematical foundations, algorithms and tools, and applications are covered.

Papers will be presented orally (single track) and in poster sessions; all posters will be complemented by a short oral presentation during a plenary session. The selection of papers will differentiate between oral and posters presentations according to the topics, and not to the level of quality.

Related Resources

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ACIJ 2024   Advanced Computing: An International Journal
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