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EuARe-2023 Pilgrimages 2023 : The Dynamics of Modern Pilgrimages from the Inside - EuARe2023


When Jun 19, 2023 - Jun 22, 2023
Where St Andrews
Submission Deadline Jan 25, 2023
Categories    religion   tourism   pilgrimage   cultural

Call For Papers

European Academy of Religion
6st Annual Conference 2023
St Andrews, June 19-22

PANEL: The Dynamics of Modern Pilgrimages from the Inside

The aim of this panel is to present modern studies related to traveling, especially to religious tourism, as seen from the perspective of pilgrims. Just as the forms of religious and spiritual activity change, the concept of a pilgrimage can be defined in different ways. Often this term is used to describe an exceptional travel to dedicated places of cultural and religious heritage, also without the presence of religious motivation. In this sense, a good example might be e.g. Camino de Santiago or the Holy Land. Sometimes a pilgrimage can be a travel to places related to famous people or cultural icons, like Memphis. We invite all researchers to submit talks and participate in the panel for studying the narrations of modern pilgrims, travel literature about places important (not only) for various religious traditions, as well as different aspects of experience learnt by pilgrims or religious tourists, analyses of their memories and travel reports, and finally cultural tourism that can be considered as religious pilgrimages.

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