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KMO 2023 : The 2023 International Knowledge Management Conference in Organisations Conference


When Jul 24, 2023 - Jul 28, 2023
Where Bangkok, Thailand
Submission Deadline Jan 31, 2023
Notification Due Feb 28, 2023
Final Version Due Mar 30, 2023
Categories    knowledge management   computer science   social network   world wide web

Call For Papers

The conference is preceded by one day of free tutorials for participants who wish to learn state of the art of research relating to the topics of KMO and LTEC. The tutorials will be held on the 24th of July 2023. The conference itself commences on the 25th of July 2023.

Knowledge management benefits organisations in many ways especially during and after the pandemic. Knowledge is an important asset and the foundation for the digital workplace. Companies begin to recognise how critical knowledge is to collaboration – especially for remote workers. Modern knowledge management also helps accelerate onboarding and learning and companies are increasingly recognising it as critical to preserve corporate knowledge as people retire.

Businesses depend on a reliable knowledge management system for smooth information sharing and internal operations. Effective knowledge management supported by technology enables organizations to become more innovative and productive. Knowledge Sharing matters now, more than ever since the pandemic. Regardless of the industry, size, or knowledge needs of organization, we need people to lead, sponsor, and support knowledge sharing.

Knowledge is no longer shared in silos. The use of social media should be a part of the knowledge management system. This will enable collaboration at the click of a button and give employees a common space to interact. By adding these new features, we will be able to provide employees with an experience that is better than their current ones.

AI is increasingly used in knowledge management. Knowledge mining is a new AI-driven idea that entails combining several intelligent services to quickly study data, uncover hidden insights, and discover linkages at scale. Knowledge workers will be able to access unstructured data more efficiently and make better business judgments due to this.

Chatbots powered by Knowledge Management can be used by employees to retrieve documents from the knowledge management system as personal assistants on the intranet and in messaging apps like Teams, Skype For Business, and Skype.

In a constantly digitalizing world, companies’ success depends on knowledge management more than ever before. Digital transformation along with digital technologies adoption offer almost endless opportunities for companies’ development, value creation and profit. In order to utilize these possibilities organizations, need to simultaneously enable innovative, quick, and dynamic ways of learning and adopt more flexible knowledge management strategies. Digital transformation is a process facilitated to large extent by knowledge management.

To effectively manage knowledge in organisations; it is necessary that we address many of the above issues. KMO 2023 aims to encourage research on various aspects of managing knowledge in the process or supporting the process of global digital transformation.

The KMO 2023 conference aims to bring together leading academic researchers and research scholars to exchange and share their experiences and research from all aspects of Knowledge Management challenges. This conference provides an interdisciplinary platform for researchers, practitioners, and educators to present and discuss their most recent work, trends, innovation and concerns as well as practical challenges encountered, and solutions adopted in the fields of Knowledge Management in Organisations.

The conference welcomes contributions from researchers and scholars to contribute original and unpublished results of conceptual, constructive, empirical, experimental, or theoretical work in all areas of Knowledge Management in organisations at the conference. The conference solicits contributions of full papers that address themes and topics of the conference. We are also interested in case studies that demonstrate how KM research strategies have been applied and the lessons learned.

KMO 2023 aims to encourage research into the various aspects of knowledge management to address many of the challenges facing organisations. The intent is to create a better understanding of knowledge management practices, research, and practical applications.

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