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DFRWS USA - 2023 : Digital Forensics Research Conference USA


When Jul 9, 2023 - Jul 12, 2023
Where Baltimore
Abstract Registration Due Jan 20, 2023
Submission Deadline Jan 27, 2023
Categories    digital forensics   cyber crime   investigation

Call For Papers

Digital Forensics Research Conference USA 2023 (DFRWS USA 2023)
July 9-12, 2023
Baltimore, MD, United States

*Full research paper deadlines are*
-) January 20, 2023 (abstract registration full papers)
-) January 27, 2023 (updates full papers)

Topics of Interest
DFRWS welcomes new perspectives that push the envelope of what is currently possible in digital forensic, and that provide practical solutions for real-world problems. This year we are especially looking for contributions in the following areas:
- Industrial control system / SCADA forensics
- Deleted data recovery and analysis from IaaS and SaaS environments
- Multimedia authentication, beyond theory to real-world applications
- Aerospace forensics, including analysis of satellite system and communications

Additional potential topics to be addressed by submissions include, but are not limited to:
- Machine learning and data mining for digital evidence extraction/query
- Malware and targeted attacks (analysis and attribution)
- Forensics analysis and visualization of Big Data
- Non-traditional forensic scenarios / contexts
- Network and distributed system forensics
- Mobile and embedded device forensics
- Cloud and virtualized environments
- Vehicle forensics (e.g., drones, cars)
- Covert channels (e.g., TOR, VPN)
- Additive manufacturing / 3D printers
- Medical devices
- Smart power grids
- Smart buildings
- Virtual currency
- Digital forensic preparedness / readiness
- Digital investigation case management
- Digital evidence sharing and exchange
- Digital forensic triage / survey
- Digital forensic tool validation
- Event reconstruction methods and tools
- Digital evidence and the law
- Case studies and trend reports
- Anti-forensics and anti-anti-forensics

DFRWS USA invites contributions in the following categories:

FULL RESEARCH PAPERS that align with the topics of interest undergo double-blinded peer review, and the proceedings are published by Elsevier (10 pages, blinded).

PRESENTATIONS / DEMOS require a brief proposal (~500 words; not a paper) and undergo a light review process. Accepted proposals will be given a presentation slot (~15min) during the conference.

POSTERS / DEMOS allow for the presentation of current research efforts and the discussion of preliminary results with the Digital Forensics Community during a dedicated poster session.

WORKSHOPS can be 2 to 4 hours (please indicate) and ideally include hands-on participation by attendees, allowing for an in-depth, detailed exploration of tools and techniques of interest to DFRWS attendees. DFRWS will provide one free conference registration for each workshop accepted.

BoF (Birds of the Feather) Sessions are an opportunity to lead an interactive discussion around a Topic of Interest. If you are interested in leading a BoF session, please submit a Topic Title, along with 3-5 key points for discussion, and a short bio.

More details are listed under "SUBMISSION INFORMATION".

Submission Information
We ask to submit all contributions via EasyChair (select the appropriate track):

Please make sure to follow the submission guidelines on the website: .
Organizers may reject work that does not follow the listed criteria or does not fit the scope of the conference.

Deadlines (all deadlines are Anywhere on Earth)
For this event, the submission procedure has changed: We kindly ask to first register and submit the title, abstract, and author information. The full paper is then due one week later.

*Full Research Paper*:
- Title / Abstract registration: January 20th, 2023
- Submission update (paper upload): January 27th, 2023
- Notification of acceptance: ~March 15, 2023
- Camera Ready Paper Submission and Presenter Registration: March 31, 2023

Workshop / Tutorial and Presentations / Demos deadline:
- Submission (Round 1): February 15, 2023
- Notification (Round 1): February 28, 2023
- Submission (Round 2): March 31, 2023
- Notification (Round 2): April 10, 2023

Posters / Birth of the Feather
- Submission: June 10, 2023 (no DOI / abstract publication)

Related Resources

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DFRWS USA 2025   Digital Forensics Research Conference USA
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ICMC 2025   The International Compact Modeling Conference
PCA 2025   Disasters and Apocalypses: CFP Pop Culture Association
DFRWS EU 2025   Digital Forensics Research Conference Europe
IEEE ICICT 2025   IEEE--2025 The 8th International Conference on Information and Computer Technologies (ICICT 2025)
FLAIRS-AI-Healthcare 2025   FLAIRS-38 Special Track on Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare Informatics
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