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CSEE&T 2023 : 35th IEEE International Conference on Software Engineering Education and Training


When Aug 7, 2023 - Aug 9, 2023
Where Tokyo, Japan
Abstract Registration Due Mar 1, 2023
Submission Deadline Mar 8, 2023
Notification Due May 1, 2023
Final Version Due Jun 7, 2023
Categories    software engineering   education   computer science   training

Call For Papers

*Call for Papers*

CSEE&T 2023:
35th IEEE International Conference on Software Engineering Education and Training
Tokyo, Japan, August 7-9, 2023 (Workshops Aug 7, Main Conference Aug 8-9)

*Important Dates*

Research track (10 pages, 5 pages), Industrial experience reports track (6 pages):
Abstract Submission 01 March 2023
Paper Submission 08 March 2023
Notification 01 May 2023
Camera Ready 07 June 2023 (tentative)

Poster and tool track (2 pages), Journal first track (1 page):
Paper Submission 10 May 2023
Notification 24 May 2023
Camera Ready 07 June 2023 (tentative)

Workshop proposals (2 pages):
Proposal Submission 08 Mar 2023
Notification 22 Mar 2023


For more than 30 years, the IEEE International Conference on Software Engineering Education and Training (CSEE&T) has been the premier conference on software engineering (SE) education and training for academics and professionals. The conference is for educators, researchers, and practitioners to share new findings and results in planning and executing software engineering education, including pedagogy, curricula, tool evaluation, best practices, and experience reports.

Software engineers are continuously facing challenging technological landscapes, lately through changes in our society with Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS), Artificial Intelligence (AI), Machine Learning (ML), Metaverse, and more. The COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated remote working and online education. New forms of working style and education are enabled and supported by systems and software technologies. Education and training play crucial roles in fostering human resources and creating these technologies. A high-quality environment for knowledge sharing about Software Engineering Education and Training is a necessity for researchers, developers, practitioners, educators, and students, to promote the adaptation, creation, and improvement of systems and software.


CSEE&T 2023 seeks original research papers on novel ideas, methods, and techniques for software engineering education, as well as education experience & industrial training reports. Contributions may concern all fields of software engineering education, including university education at the graduate and undergraduate level, industrial training, and teaching software engineering at various secondary schools. We welcome submissions on any aspects of software engineering education and training.

*Topics of Interest*

The list below indicates, but is not limited to, areas of software engineering education in the focus of CSEE&T 2023.

- Requirements engineering education (REE)
- Teaching artificial intelligence (TAI)
- Teaching conceptual modeling (TCM)
- Teaching data science (TDS)
- Teaching formal methods (TFM)
- Teaching skills (communication, teamwork, management, etc.) (TSK)
- Teaching "real world" SE practices (TRW)
- Software quality assurance education (SQE)
- Measuring education and training results (MET)
- Motivating students and trainees (MST)
- Social and cultural issues (SCI)
- Novel delivery methods (NDM)
- E-Learning, online training, and education (OTE)
- Global and distributed SE education (GDE)
- Open source in education (OSE)
- Cloud computing education (CCE)
- Cooperation between Industry and Academia (CIA)
- Training models in industry (TMI)
- Continuous Integration and continuous delivery education (CED)
- Cyber-physical system or Internet of Things education (CPE)
- Methodological aspects of SE education (MAE)
- Metaverse in software engineering education (MVE)
- Software engineering education @ school (SES)
- Software engineering education for novices (SEN)
- Vision for SE education in the future (VEF)

*Paper Submissions*

CSEE&T 2023 solicits submissions in the following four separate categories. All page numbers are with the IEEE Conference Proceedings Formatting and including references.

- Research track
Full papers (up to 10 pages) present completed and evaluated original research.
Short papers (up to 5 pages) describe well-defined research ideas or ongoing work at an early stage of investigation not yet fully developed or evaluated.

- Industrial experience reports track (up to 6 pages) covers industrial training experience.

- Journal first track (up to 1 page) presents research on software engineering education, which has recently been published in high-quality journals.

- Poster and tool track (up to 2 pages) presents work in progress and be based on either research, practice, or experience.

- Workshop proposals (up to 2 pages) present plans of half-day or full-day highly collaborative workshops.

All submissions must be in English, and must come in A4 paper size PDF format and conform, at the time of submission, to the IEEE Conference Proceedings Formatting Guidelines (

*Submission Information*

Guidelines are available at:
Papers must be submitted electronically through EasyChair,


All accepted submissions (except workshop papers) will be submitted to the IEEE-CS Digital Library in the CSEE&T 2023 conference proceeding and are subject to registration and presentation at the conference. If a submission is accepted, at least one author of the paper must register for the conference and present the paper at the conference. If an accepted paper is not presented, the paper is removed from the proceedings.

*Organizing Committee*

General Chair:
Hironori Washizaki - Waseda University, Japan

Program Chairs:
D. Moritz Marutschke - Ritsumeikan University, Japan
Atsuo Hazeyama - Tokyo Gakugei University, Japan

Finance Chair:
Nobukazu Yoshioka - Waseda University, Japan

Publication Chair:
Paolo Arcaini - National Institute of Informatics, Japan

Workshop Chair:
Kiyoshi Honda - Osaka Institute of Technology, Japan

Local Chair:
Jati Hiliamsyah Husen - Waseda University, Japan, Telecom University, Indonesia

Coordination Chairs:
W. Eric Wong - University of Texas at Dallas, United States
Nancy Mead - Carnegie Mellon Software Engineering Institute, United States

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