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March 2023 : Blockchain based Internet of Things (B-IoT): Opportunities, Challenges and Solutions.


When Dec 27, 2022 - Mar 4, 2023
Where International
Submission Deadline TBD

Call For Papers

The blockchain technology has revolutionized the digital currency space with the pioneering cryptocurrency platform named Bitcoin. From an abstract perspective, a blockchain is a distributed ledger capable of maintaining an immutable log
of transactions happening in a network. The recent advances in hardware and information technology have accelerated the deployment of billions of interconnected, smart and adaptive devices in critical infrastructures like health, transportation, environmental control, and home automation. Transferring data over a network without requiring any kind of human-to- computer or human-to-human interaction, brings reliability and convenience to consumers, but also opens a new world of opportunity for intruders, and introduces a whole set of unique and complicated questions to the field of B-IoT. In this context, the blockchain is seen as the missing link toward building a truly decentralized, trustless, and secure environment for the IoT. Blockchain technology promises several advantages such as transparency, security, auditability, resilience,
authentication, immutability to address such concerns. The book seeks to bring to fore interdisciplinary research that explores opportunities, challenges and promising solutions in the domain of B-IoT enabled by Cryptography, AI, Robotics
and allied fields.
To stimulate transdisciplinary linkages, the call encourages submissions from academic researchers, faculty members, policy makers, engineers and engineering students on a wide range of themes including but not limited to the following:

 Blockchain: concept and emergence
 Blockchain based IoT security
 Big Data and blockchain
 AI and ML enabled blockchain
 Blockchain and Robotics
 Blockchain and its financial impact
 Ethical and social issues of blockchain

Submission Link:

Related Resources

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