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Balticnordic 2023 : Cooperation and Controversy. The 14th annual international conference on Baltic and Nordic studies


When May 11, 2023 - May 12, 2023
Where Constanta, Romania
Abstract Registration Due Mar 1, 2023
Submission Deadline Mar 15, 2023
Notification Due Mar 15, 2023
Final Version Due May 1, 2023
Categories    baltic studies   scandinavian studies   history   culture, arts and literature

Call For Papers

The purpose of the conference is to shed light on cooperation and controversy aspects in Scandinavia, the Baltic Sea Region, and beyond. It examines the two topics through the lens of cultural and literary studies (including arts such as drama, theater, cinema, etc.), history, economic and trade analysis, political science, military analysis, and international relations, among other multidisciplinary angles. We thus invite researchers from all of these fields to submit proposals for panels and individual papers, thereby facilitating inter-disciplinary dialogues at the conference.
The conference regards Scandinavia and the Baltic Sea Region to be socially constructed and, hence, to have diverse geographies. The Viking world interconnected the Baltic Sea, Atlantic Ocean, Mediterranean Sea, Eastern Slavic regions, Black Sea, and Byzantine Empire. The Hansa integrated the north Germanic lands and the Rhine with those of Sweden, Norway, Finland, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, the London region, parts of the eastern Baltic Sea coast, and the rivers immersed in Russian and Ukrainian territory. During the Kalmar Union and part of the interwar period, a temporary unity of Scandinavia was achieved, emphasizing both cooperation and controversy, while controversy wreaked devastation during the Thirty Years, the Great Northern War, and the Cold War.
The exchange of ideas, cultural trends, commercial commodities, and social practices between Scandinavia and the Baltic Sea Region and the broader oikoumena, as well as comparisons (including with the Black Sea Region), are equally encouraged. The literary and cultural figures of Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Iceland, Finland, Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania, as well as immigrants who settled in these regions, were products of this area’s legacy and mirrored it around the world. The manner in which they were disseminated internationally and how they are interpreted today are also of paramount relevance to this conference.
Contemporary issues that generate cooperation and controversy, such as the European Union, regional endeavors, migration, liberalism vs. illiberalism, business models vs. welfare systems, the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, and Russia’s campaign against Western values, will be of equal worth at the conference planned on Black Sea shores.
In the sake of plurality, we embrace constructivist, neoliberal (liberal institutionalist), neorealist, and other approaches to collaboration and controversy. Constructivist theory investigates how the architecture of international politics shapes the ideas, identities, and interests of states and non-state actors. Neorealist models stress that governments are more likely to collaborate when there is no threat to their security. The liberal institutionalism emphasizes that international cooperation between nations is practical and durable, and that it may lessen conflict and rivalry.
Consistent with its policy from the inception of this scientific endeavor, there are absolutely no participation fees for this conference. Access to conference rooms, conference maps, conference facilities, and coffee breaks are provided at no cost to conference attendees and participants presenting papers.

Submission Guidelines
All papers must be original and not simultaneously submitted to another conference or journal. The following paper categories are welcome:

Papers reflecting on cooperation and controversy in Scandinavia and the Baltic Sea Region.
Posters portraying the same topic.
Please submit your panel proposal by February 1, 2023 and your individual paper proposal by March 1, 2023 on Easychair platform:

They will be evaluated by two members of the scientific committee and the decision will be announed latest by February 15, 2023 for panels and roundtables and March 1, 2023 for individual papers and posters.
Alternatively, you can e-mail your submission (title, keywords and abstract) to e-mails baltic.nordic(at)
Manuscripts submitted for publication in The Romanian Journal for Baltic and Nordic Studies must adhere to the submission standards outlined at and be submitted on the online platform

List of suggested topics

cultural, economic, political, military etc. cooperation and controversy
interdependence and its challenges
trust and betrayal in mutual relationships
conciliation and mediation in intercourse
transition from normal times to crisis times, and back
planning alliances (realized and unrealized)
perceived/imagined threats and opportunities for cooperation
other countries as role models or warning examples

Organizing committee

Honorary chair:

Her Excellency Ms. Ingrid Kressel, Ambassador of Estonia in Romania


Prof. Dr. Hab. Silviu Miloiu, President of the Romanian Association for Baltic and Nordic Studies

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Emanuel Plopeanu, Dean of the Faculty of History and Political Science, Ovidius University of Constanța

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