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JBI-SEBLA 2023 : Journal of Biomedical Informatics (JBI) Special Issue on Semantics-enabled Biomedical Literature Analytics


When N/A
Where N/A
Submission Deadline Jan 15, 2023
Notification Due Mar 15, 2023
Categories    NLP   artificial intelligence

Call For Papers

*** Apologies for cross-posting ***

Call for Papers: Semantics-enabled Biomedical Literature Analytics

This Special Issue aims to highlight the development of novel informatics methods for retrieval, indexing, and analysis of biomedical literature, focusing on semantics-based techniques. We invite researchers working in biomedical informatics, knowledge representation/ontologies, information retrieval, natural language processing, artificial intelligence/machine learning, data mining, and other related areas to submit clear and detailed descriptions of their novel methodological results.

The topics of interest include but are not limited to:

Knowledge representation and semantics for biomedical literature retrieval
Biomedical ontologies in search
Biomedical knowledge source integration
Biomedical knowledge graph construction and embeddings
Knowledge graphs in biomedical search
Semantic knowledge in biomedical literature classification and ranking
Biomedical information extraction
Entity linking and semantic annotation in biomedical texts
Literature-based knowledge discovery
Semantics for biomedical knowledge synthesis and systematic literature review

All submitted papers must be original and will go through a rigorous peer-review process with at least two reviewers. Papers previously published in conference proceedings will not be considered. JBI’s editorial policy will be strictly followed by special issue reviewers. Note in particular that JBI emphasizes the publication of papers that introduce innovative and generalizable methods of interest to the informatics community. Specific applications can be described to motivate the methodology being introduced, but papers that focus solely on a specific application are not suitable for JBI.

Submission Guidelines

Authors must submit their papers via the online Editorial Manager (EES) at Authors should select “Semantics-enabled Biomedical Literature Analytics” as their submission category and note in a cover letter that their submission is for the “Special Issue on Semantics-enabled Biomedical Literature Analytics.” If the manuscript is not intended as an original research paper, the cover letter should also specify if it is, rather, a Methodological Review, Commentary, or Special Communication. Authors should make sure to place their work in the context of human-focused biomedical research or health care, and to review carefully the relevant literature.

JBI’s editorial policy, and the types of articles that the journal publishes, are outlined under Aims and Scope on the journal home page at (click on “View full Aims and Scope” for details). All submissions should follow the guidelines for authors at informatics/1532-0464/guide-for-authors, including format and manuscript structure.

Important Dates

Deadline for submissions: January 15, 2023

First-round review decisions: March 15, 2023

Deadline for revision submissions: April 15, 2023

Notification of final decisions: June 15, 2023

The full Call for Papers is available at Please direct any questions regarding the special issue to Dr. Halil Kilicoglu (

Guest Editors:

Halil Kilicoglu (University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign,

Faezeh Ensan (Ryerson University,

Bridget McInnes (Virginia Commonwealth University,

Lucy Lu Wang (University of Washington/Allen Institute for AI,


Associate Professor

School of Information Sciences

University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

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