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Rule Challenge 2023 : The 17th International Rule Challenge


When Sep 18, 2023 - Sep 20, 2023
Where Oslo, Norway
Submission Deadline Jul 14, 2023
Notification Due Jul 31, 2023

Call For Papers

The 17th International Rule Challenge ( is one of the highlights of the RuleML+RR conference ( and creates friendly competition among innovative rule-oriented tools, prototypes and applications, aimed at research, industry, and government.

In the 2023 edition of the challenge we give the opportunity to not only present results on self-introduced challenges but also to describe open challenges to be addressed by the community. Particularly, we welcome two kinds of submissions:

* Challenge proposals: Papers describing open challenges, interesting problems from academia or industry, and benchmarks which are of interest for the community and can be solved by rule-based approaches, including task description, datasets, and evaluation criteria.

* Challenge solutions: Papers supplying benchmarking or comparison results for rule engines, rule-based machine learning techniques, illustrating rule- and model-driven engineering, reporting on case studies and industrial experiences, and realizing mobile deployment of rule-based reasoning.

Specific challenges for this year are listed below from contributors:

Rule Engines Benchmarking, submitted by Kevin Angele, Semantic Technology Institute, University of Innsbruck, Austria. (

The best challenge paper will be awarded the RuleML+RR Rule Challenge award 2023. The assessment criteria include originality, creativity together with feasibility.

Key themes of the Rule Challenge include, but are not limited to the following:

* Rule-based machine learning tools and techniques

* Rule-based approaches for intelligent systems

* Rule-based Event Processing and Stream Reasoning

* Business Rules Modelling

* Rule standardization for research, industry and government

* Graph-Relational Data and Knowledge systems

* Higher-Order-Logic and Modal-Logic systems

* Rule and Ontology combinations

* Modular Rule systems

* Distributed Rule systems / multi-agent systems

* Ontology-Based Data Access (OBDA) systems

* Answer Set Programming (ASP) systems

* Constraint Logic Programming (CLP) systems

* Blockchain Rule systems

* Defeasible, Argumentation, and Legal systems

* (Controlled) Natural language interfaces

* Distributed rule bases and rule services

* Rules and model-driven engineering

* Reports on industrial experience about rule systems

* Combining rules with knowledge extraction and information retrieval

* Rules and social media

Submission and Publication

The challenge seeks high quality, original papers, potentially referencing online material, and ranging between 8-15 pages (in the style template CEURART (1-column variant), available at:


Submitted papers must be original contributions written in English. Please submit your paper via:

via the Rule Challenge 2023 track.

To ensure high quality, submissions will be carefully peer-reviewed by at least 3 PC members and external reviewers. Submissions should address the following, where possible:

* Provide a clear task description, all the relevant datasets, and the evaluation criteria at least in one dimension such as performance, correctness, and completeness (for challenge descriptions).

* Explain the objectives, outcomes, benefits as you are going beyond the state of the art in technology, the application domain, etc.

* Demonstrate the results with a concrete example balancing conciseness and completeness.

* Preferably (but not necessarily) embed the tool in a web-based or distributed environment or a mobile environment.

* Present end-user interactions, providing an adequate and usable interface that favors a concrete usage of the application.

* Mention the availability of the software and data, data interchange, and possible tool extensions.

* Provide a web-link to the project site, online demonstration, or download site.

Important Dates

July 14th: Paper submission deadline

July 31st: Notification of acceptance

September 18th-20th: Rule Challenge

For each of these deadlines, a cut-off point of 23:59 AOE applies.

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