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HPDC-Workshops 2023 : Call for Workshops: 31st International ACM Symposium on High-Performance Parallel and Distributed Computing (HPDC'23 Workshops)


When Jun 16, 2023 - Jun 23, 2023
Where Orlando, FL
Submission Deadline Jan 15, 2023
Notification Due Jan 31, 2023

Call For Papers

HPDC'23 Call for Workshops

The organizers of the 31st International ACM Symposium on High-Performance Parallel and Distributed Computing (HPDC'23) call for proposals for Workshops to be held with the main conference (

The HPDC Workshops provide forums for discussion among researchers and practitioners on focused topics and/or emerging research areas relevant to HPC and distributed computing.

Workshops typically include some combination of invited talks, peer-reviewed papers, panel discussions, and work-in-progress talks. Proposers should design workshops for approximately 20-40 participants, lasting either one full day or one-half day, depending on interest and space constraints. Proposals for workshops on new topics are welcome, as are proposals to continue previously successful workshops. Tutorials that would provide attendees with an interactive learning experience will be given special consideration in acceptance. HPDC workshop proceedings will be published by ACM in the HPDC proceedings companion book.

Proposal Submission
To Submit: Please email your proposal to Youngjae Kim ( and Yue Cheng ( and with the title "HPDC'23 Workshop Proposal"

Formatting Guidelines
Workshop proposals should be formatted as a single PDF document of 2-4 pages, describing the following:

The full name and acronym of the workshop
Whether the workshop is planned for one full day or one half day
A description of the theme of the workshop and its key topics
A description of the relevance to HPDC
The structure of the workshop (peer-reviewed articles, invited articles, invited talks, panels, etc.)
Proposed names for invited speakers and panelists and their impacts on the topics discussed at the workshop
A tentative list of program committee members (optional)
Details of the review process leading to acceptance to present at the workshop
If the workshop will have a call for papers, a tentative version of such CFP (optional)
If the workshop is going to have published papers, the type of papers to be accepted and their length
A summary of the intended audience
A plan for attracting submissions and attendees to the workshop
A brief biographical information on the workshop organizers
Data about previous editions of the workshop (if any) including attendance, number of papers submitted and accepted
Accepted workshops will need to be ready to set up a website and, if a paper submission process with peer review is going to be used, provide the submission link.

Important Dates
Deadline for Workshop Proposals : January 15, 2023
Notification of Workshop Acceptance: January 31, 2023
Workshop Submission Deadlines: Late March, 2023*
Camera-Ready Deadline: Preferably Early May, 2023**
Workshop Dates: TBD
* could change slightly, to allow for the flow of borderline articles from main conference to workshops
** could change slightly, to synchronize with the main conference proceeding

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