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Medievalisms on the Screen 2023 : Medievalisms on the Screen: Digital Medievalisms and the Teaching of History


When Apr 13, 2023 - May 15, 2023
Where Vienna
Submission Deadline Mar 15, 2023
Notification Due Mar 30, 2023

Call For Papers

Contemporary mass media has a huge impact on the way in which we approach History in general, and the Middle Ages in particular. One could argue that lay audiences interact with the past more through media rather than academic production in books and journals.
This has brought both opportunities and challenges. The Internet has opened new ways of engaging with history; the digitalization of sources has allowed more people to access precious historical sources, and social platforms like YouTube and Twitter have become important sites for casual audiences to find information about the Middle Ages. The popularity of this form of communication has also led to more people engaging in the creation of historical interpretations. Finally, these new technologies and cultural productions have also opened venues for approaching the medieval past in interesting
and fun ways, while also providing some potential tools for a more inclusive engagement with the Middle Ages, both historiographically and pedagogically.
However, these processes have come also with serious challenges and problems. Arguably the most damaging consequence of the outlined process is the disinformation, manipulation, and weaponization of history. Although the Internet and media have allowed
new spaces for historically underrepresented voices to be heard, they also have accommodated reactionary and dangerous groups to propagate images of the medieval
past that fuels violent political agendas. One could argue that this weaponization of history can be seen as a pedagogical problem about how we research, teach, learn and communicate historical knowledge since facts do not seem to be at the core of misinformation.
Therefore, as scholars, developers and researchers we need to develop new pedagogical models to avoid the pitfalls that come with these new spaces. The purpose of our third Medievalisms on the Screen conference is is to explore the characteristics, opportunities and challenges brought by the use of digital media, digital humanities, public discourse and medievalisms in the contemporary communication of historical knowledge both inside and outside of the classroom.
The conference will take place online from April 13th-15th, 2023. Paper proposals no longer than 250 words in length for a 20-25 minute paper should be sent to the
organizing team at no later than February 15th, 2023. The full slate of selected papers will be announced within two weeks after the submission
deadline. We will kindly ask our panelists to give their written consent for video recording of the panels and their online distribution.
Organized by:
Department of Medieval Studies
Central European University

Contributions might include, but are not limited to:

·Digital Humanities
·Media and scholarship
·Procedurality and Game-Based Learning
·Teaching global Middle Ages and medievalisms
·Digital resources and pedagogy
·Social media, medievalisms and public discourse
·Gender and race in teaching the Middle Ages
·Fantasy and sci-fi medievalisms
·Museums, pedagogy and digital resources
·Medieval political histories and their (un)conscious implications
·Simulation, accessibility, and embodied medieval experiences

The conference will take place online from April 13th-15th, 2023. Paper proposals no longer than 250 words in length for a 20-25 minute paper should be sent to the organizing team at no later than February 15th, 2023. The full slate of selected papers will be announced within two weeks after the submission
deadline. We will kindly ask our panelists to give their written consent for video recording of the panels and their online distribution.

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