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FRUCT 2023 : 33rd IEEE FRUCT conference


When May 24, 2023 - May 26, 2023
Where Zilina, Slovakia
Submission Deadline Mar 24, 2023
Notification Due Apr 21, 2023
Final Version Due Apr 28, 2023
Categories    artificial intelligence   data management   computer science   communications

Call For Papers

The 33rd FRUCT conference is organized together by the FRUCT Association, the University of Zilina, and IEEE ComSoc. The conference will be held as a hybrid event, i.e., both on-site and online participation are allowed.

It's our great pleasure to announce that Oracle will be the general sponsor of the FRUCT33 conference. Oracle will cooperate with the conference and provide keynote talks on cloud computing, data-driven application development, and analytics. Moreover, the Oracle Cloud Analytics Day will be organized in cooperation with the 6th DataWorld workshop, as a part of FRUCT33.

Conference overview:
FRUCT conference is a high-quality scientific event for meeting academia and business people and setting up projects. The average conference is attended by 150+ participants from academia and industry. The average acceptance rate is 40%. Traditionally the conference attracts the most active and talented students to present their R&D projects, meet interesting colleagues, create new teams, and find employers and investors. The conference invites world-class academic and industrial experts to lecture on the hottest topics. We welcome everybody to submit papers and take part in the conference, presenting your research results. The FRUCT conference allows both onsite and online participation.
The conference offers a low registration fee. For further details please refer to

If you never attended FRUCT before, please refer to the program of one of the previous FRUCT conferences, e.g., This way you can make your own impression about the scope, scale, and quality of the conference.

The list of conference topics:
Algorithms and Modeling
Artificial Intelligence Applications
Artificial Intelligence, Robotics and Automation
Artificial Intelligence in Text Analysis and Generation
Audio Pattern Recognition, Semantic Audio
Big Data, Knowledge Management and Data Mining Systems
Blockchain Technology and Applications
Cloud, Fog and Edge Computing and Engineering, HPC
Coding Theory, DevOps and DevSecOpsTechnologies
Computer Vision, Image and Video Processing
Commercialization of Technologies and Digital Economy
Crowdsourcing and Collective Intelligence
Emerging Wireless Technologies, 5G and beyond
e-Health and Wellbeing
Gamification, E-learning and Smart Data in Education
Internet of Things: Apps and Enabling Technologies
Intelligence, Social Mining and Web
Location Based Services: Navigation, Logistics, Tourism
Natural Language Processing and Speech Technologies
Networks and Applications
Predictive Analytics, Probability and Statistics
Security and Privacy
Smart Systems and Embedded Networks
Software Design and Innovative Applications
Wearable Electronics: Novel Architectures and Solutions
Workshop on Investigating and Mitigating Climate Changes
The 6th DataWorld Workshop

You can select one of the following 3 types of submissions:
- Full papers (min 6 full pages and up to 12 pages), deadline: 24 March 2023;
- Short papers (min 2 pages, max 6 pages), deadline: 24 March 2023;
- Poster or demo summary (min 200 words, max 4 pages), deadline: 5 May 2023.

Traditionally FRUCT doesn't provide deadline extension, instead, we have an early-bird submissions mechanism. The Early-bird submission provides authors with a unique opportunity for early review of the papers, and if needed, the authors can fix the paper according to the review comments and resubmit it before the final deadline. It significantly increases the chance to get your paper accepted, as this way you always will have a second chance to improve the paper and get another round of review.

The Early bird submission deadline is February 27, 2023.

All papers get blind peer review by the Technical Committee. We use the IEEE paper template and Full Paper submissions shall have at least 6 full pages.

Full papers to be published in the FRUCT proceedings (ISSN 2305-7254), included in IEEE Xplore, and indexed by Scopus, DBLP, Web of Science, ACM, and RSCI (in VAK list). FRUCT series is included in Scimago Journal Rank (SJR,, AMiner, CORE, and DOAJ (

FRUCT has a high rating in national systems, e.g., Finnish (JUFO=1, JufoID: 72707), Norwegian (NSD=1), Danish (BFI=1, ID: 8782540).

The selected papers get an invitation to submit an extended version of the paper for publication in Scopus-indexed partner journals.

The conference will be held at University of Zilina in Slovakia. The location has a good connection with the nearby large international airline hubs, e.g., Wien. Please use this opportunity to enjoy the great conference, and Slovakian hospitality, see central Europe and set up new contacts with colleagues from the University of Zilina and other top world universities.

Conference also allows online participation. If you cannot come you still can join us online.

We hope that this time half of the conference sections will be held in a classic face-to-face format. Come and enjoy it! Let's come back to normal life. We are looking forward to meeting you in Zilina!

Submit your paper today at

We welcome you to join our Telegram channel where you can ask questions and will receive the latest announcements and updates.

Related Resources

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