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ISDC 2023 : 2023 International System Dynamics Conference


When Jul 23, 2023 - Jul 27, 2023
Where Chicago, Illinois, USA
Submission Deadline Mar 21, 2023
Categories    business   economics   energy   systems

Call For Papers

We invite you to join us in Chicago, Illinois, the USA, for the 41st International Conference of the System Dynamics Society on 23-27 July 2023. Whether you are new to the practice of system dynamics or already an expert, we welcome you to Chicago in 2023, where you may contribute your original work and learn from leaders in the field about the state of the art in system dynamics. Submissions are encouraged on all topics relating to the theory and practical application of system dynamics modeling.

The conference theme is “Adapting in the Face of Change”. The disruptions caused by the global pandemic, climate change, social and racial inequities, nationalist politics, a rapidly urbanizing population leaves us facing a future that calls for adaptation and intervention on complex systems. For the 2023 conference, we invite papers that address the following questions: What are the drivers of current sociological behaviors and how do we achieve the new equilibriums we are seeking? How do models help us build both hindsight about past behaviors and dynamic hypotheses about our future? How do applications of system dynamics models help shape policies that seek to build an equitable, sustainable future that includes health and well-being for both people and ecosystems?

In line with this theme, this conference seeks to highlight work that addresses the current challenges we face. We welcome all research and documented consulting activities in system dynamics, including applications of the methodology to solve real-world problems, new technical and software developments, and productive integration of complementary methodologies. The conference schedule is organized by thread to create coherent topics for presentation. Planned threads for 2023 include:

Conference threads


Business and Strategy

Environment and Resources

Learning and Teaching


Psychology and Human Behavior

Security, Stability, and Resilience

Transport and Mobility




Public Policy

Stakeholder Engagement


Please submit your contributions between 24 January and 21 March 2023. We accept a number of contribution types:

Research papers

Practitioner applications

Work in progress descriptions

Workshop proposals

Other session proposals, such as for Roundtable discussion sessions, Chapter and SIG meetings

The 2023 conference program will include invited and contributed sessions. Special proposals for plenary or parallel sessions, panel discussions, roundtables, and other pre- or post-conference activities are encouraged. If you have ideas for sessions and workshops focused on practical issues, please contact us. Proposals should be sent to .

You can find more information here:

The location

The hybrid conference will take place in Chicago, Illinois, USA as well as virtually. The venue will be at the Palmer House Hilton Hotel. A beautiful and historical venue at the heart of downtown Chicago. It is just a short walk to Millennium Park, the Art Institute of Chicago, and Lake Michigan. It includes an indoor pool and fitness center.

We hope you can join us for this exciting event.

The Program Chairs.

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