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Encounters at Sea 2023 : Encounters at Sea: an interdisciplinary conference


When Mar 31, 2023 - Mar 31, 2023
Where University of Cambridge
Submission Deadline Jan 20, 2023

Call For Papers

The ‘Encounters at Sea’ Conference is delighted to announce its Call for
Papers. Postgraduate students and early-career researchers from across the
humanities are welcome to apply to present their research on any topic
relating to the following encounters: piracy, slavery, migration, exploration,
cultural memory, and littoral communities. If available some contribution
will be made towards the travel costs of speakers.
Throughout history, the world has been shaped by maritime encounters.
Interactions on, and with, the sea have played a diverse and influential role
in the human experience. These encounters take a variety of forms and
encompass a broad range of interactions, ranging from instances of trade
and migration to patterns of exploration and enslavement. Each
‘encounter’ offers an opportunity – a snapshot into the lives of those
interacting with the oceans, as well as bountiful insight into broader global
On the 31st March 2023, ‘Encounters at Sea’ will convene in-person at the
University of Cambridge to explore these stories of maritime encounter, in
a one-day conference designed to cross chronological, disciplinary and
geographical borders. It will progress across four panels, each consisting of
three 15-minute papers and a Q&A. We are also pleased to welcome Prof.
Sujit Sivasundaram as our keynote speaker.
If you are interested in applying, pleased send a short abstract (300 words)
with a provisional title and some biographical information in an email to
both of the convenors, Jean-Marc Hill ( and Graham
Moore (

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