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SS-CPSIoT 2023 : 4th Summer School on Cyber Physical Systems and Internet of Things


When Jun 6, 2023 - Jun 11, 2023
Where Budva, Montenegro
Submission Deadline Mar 31, 2023
Notification Due Apr 30, 2023
Final Version Due May 15, 2023
Categories    cyber physical systems   internet of things   embedded systems   computing

Call For Papers

4th Summer School on Cyber Physical Systems and Internet of Things

CPS&IoT’2023 Summer School Program will be composed of four days of lectures, demonstrations, practical hands-on sessions, and discussions, as well as, free participation in CPSIoT 2023 and MECO 2023 sessions. The topics of the lectures, demonstrations, and practical hands-on sessions cover several major CPS applications (focusing on modern mobile applications that require high-performance or low energy consumption, as well as, high reliability, security and safety), computing technology for modern CPS, CPS architectures, development problems and solutions, as well as, design methodologies and design tools for CPS. Detailed list of the CPS&IoT’2023 Presentations including the names of their authors and presenters will be provided in the Schedule of the CPS&IoT’2023 Summer School. To stimulate interaction between lecturers and participants, only a limited number of participants will be admitted.

CPS&IoT’2023 Summer School is the forth of the series of schools started with a very successful CPS&IoT’2019 Summer School and continued with the CPS&IoT’2021 Summer School and CPS&IoT’2022 Summer School.

It aims at serving the following main purposes:

Advanced training of industrial and academic researchers, developers, engineers and decision-makers; academic teachers, Ph.D. and M.Sc. students; entrepreneurs, investors, research funding agents, and policy makers; and other participants who want to learn about CPS and IoT engineering;
Dissemination, exchange and discussion of advanced knowledge and project results from numerous R&D projects in CPS and IoT;
Promotion and facilitation of international contacts and collaboration among people working or interested in the CPS and IoT area.
Distinguishing features of this advanced Summer School are that its lectures, demonstrations, and practical hands-on sessions will be given by top European specialists in particular CPS and IoT fields from industry and academia, and will deliver very fresh advanced knowledge. They are based on results from numerous currently running or recently finished European R&D projects in CPS and IoT, what gives an excellent opportunity to get acquainted with issues and challenges of CPS and IoT development; actual industrial problems, designs and case studies; and new concepts, advanced knowledge and modern design tools created in the European R&D projects.

You are encouraged to participate in this very special event that gives a unique opportunity to interact with outstanding specialists in the area of Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS) and Internet-of-Things (IoT), and to get acquainted with huge opportunities and impact of CPS and IoT, serious issues and challenges of their development, as well as, newest concepts, advanced knowledge and modern design tools created in numerous ongoing and recently finished European R&D projects in CPS and IoT. The Summer School is possible thanks to involvement of many outstanding researchers and developers from several European projects and countries.

Summer School is fully co-organized with SMART4ALL Project. Self-sustained customized cyberphysical system experiments for capacity building among European stakeholders (SMART4ALL), is a four-year flagship EU project under the call DT-ICT-01-2019: Smart Anything Everywhere for connecting Digital Innovation Hubs across Europe. The SMART4ALL consortium consists of 25 European partners with interdisciplinary skills and know-how from universities, research institutes, investors, networking organizations, SMEs, Innovation Hubs and NGOs.

The project will build capacity (via Open Calls) amongst European stakeholders through the development of self-sustained, cross-border experiments that transfer knowledge and technology between academia and industry. It targets CLEC (Customized low energy computing) CPS/IoT and combines a set of unique characteristics that join together different cultures, policies, geographical areas and application domains under a common vision.

Digitized transportation,
Digitized agriculture,
Digitized environment
Digitized health with emphasis to COVID-19 pandemic
Digitized anything
SMART anything everywhere

Related Resources

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