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BID 2023 : Benchmarking in the Data Center: Expanding to the Cloud


When Feb 25, 2023 - Feb 25, 2023
Where Hotel Bonaventure Montreal, Canada
Submission Deadline Jan 5, 2023
Notification Due Jan 27, 2023
Categories    parallel computing   high performance computing   cloud computing   performance

Call For Papers

BID'23: 5th Workshop on Benchmarking in the Data Center: Expanding
to the Cloud
(Held in conjunction with PPoPP'23)

Submission deadline: 05. January 2023 (23:59 AoE)


Recent general adoption of machine learning has motivated migration
of HPC workloads to cloud data centers, and there is a growing
interest by the community on performance evaluation in this area,
especially for end-to-end workflows. In addition to traditional
performance benchmarking and high performance system evaluation
(including absolute performance, energy efficiency), as well as
configuration optimizations, this workshop will discuss issues that
are of particular importance in commercial HPC. Benchmarking has
typically involved running specific workloads that are reflective
of typical HPC workloads, yet with growing diversity of workloads,
theoretical performance modeling is also of interest to allow for
performance prediction given a minimal set of measurements.

We invite novel, unpublished research paper submission within the
scope of this workshop. Paper submission topics include, but are
not limited to, the following areas:
* Multi-, many-core CPUs, GPUs, hybrid system evaluation
* Performance, power, efficiency, and cost analysis
* HPC, data center, and cloud workloads and benchmarks
* System, workload, and workflow configuration and optimization


* Full papers: Up to 8 pages incl. references
* Short papers: Up to 4 pages incl. references
(Submission details and the link to the submission website are
posted on our workshop website


All accepted papers will be indexed and published in the ACM Digital
Library after the workshop.

* Submission deadline: 05. January 2023 (23:59 AoE)
* Author notification: 27. January 2023
* Workshop date: 25. February 2023

Workshop Chairs
* Jens Domke (RIKEN Center for Computational Science, Japan)

Industrial Panel Chairs
* Aleksandr Drozd (RIKEN Center for Computational Science, Japan)

Program Committee
* TBA; tentative list on

Advisory Committee
* Samar Aseeri (King Abdullah University of Science and Technology, Saudi Arabia)
* Juan (Jenny) Chen (National University of Defense Technology, China)
* Benson Muite (Kichakato Kizito, Kenya)

Questions/comments: [chairs2023 | panel2023]

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