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ARCI 2023 : 3rd IFSA Winter Conference on Automation, Robotics & Communications for Industry 4.0/5.0


When Feb 22, 2023 - Feb 24, 2023
Where Chamonix-Mont-Blanc, France
Abstract Registration Due Jan 30, 2023
Submission Deadline Jan 15, 2023
Notification Due Jan 25, 2023
Final Version Due Feb 1, 2023
Categories    automation   robotics   communications   industry 4.0 / 5.0

Call For Papers

The Industry 4.0 / 5.0 is an integrated system, which consists of an automation tool, robotic control, communications and big data analytics. The increased adoption of industrial robots is one of the main driving factor of this market, while the data risks associated with integration of advanced technologies are the restraining factors.

There are several conferences on automation, robotics, communications and data analysis, but they are not meet the Industry 5.0 challenges. The series of annual IFSA's Winter ARCI conferences have been launched to fill-in this gap and provide a forum for open discussion of state-of-the-art technologies related to all, mentioned above, components of Industry 5.0. The ARCI' 2023 conference is organized by the IFSA - one of the major professional, non-profit association serving for sensor industry and academy more than 20 years.

The ARCI' 2023 conference will incorporate main fields covering research and development in a broaden range in automation, robotics, communication and data analyses, and united by the Industry 5.0 challenges. However it will be not a conference only about the future concepts and new visions. It will be also to discuss how to adopt the current R&D results for Industry 4.0 and to customize products under the conditions of highly flexible (mass-) production.

The previous ARCI’ 2023 conferences have attracted many researchers and practitioners in the related fields, from around the world. The purpose of ARCI' 2023 is bring together leading international researchers, developers and practitioners to attain synergetic exchanges of ideas and practices. The conference will offer plenary and invited talks, contributed oral and poster presentations, special sessions, industry tracks, panel discussions, tutorials and exhibition of commercial products. Social and cultural events will also take place to foster networking among the participants in a friendly manner.​ We trust that you will find the ARCI 2023 conference professionally rewarding and stimulating as well as enjoyable. Welcome to ARCI' 2023 !

Industry 4.0 / 5.0:

* Design principles in Industry 4.0 / 5.0
* Industrial Big Data and Analytics
* Industrial Internet of Things (IoT)
* Smart Manufacturing and Technologies
* Smart Factories
* Smart Devices and Products
* Cyber-physical Systems
* Cloud Computing and Manufacturing
* Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence in Manufacturing
* Digital Production and Virtual Engineering
* Soft Measurements and Computing


* Automatic Control ​
* Control Theory and Applications
* Linear/Nonlinear Control
* Adaptive/Robust Control
* Control Devices and Instruments
* Components and Technologies for Control
* Programmable Logic Controllers (PLC)
* Control System Modeling and Simulation
* Fuzzy-logic and Artificial Neural Networks in Control Systems
* Emerging Trends in Automation and Control Industry
* Industrial Automation and Control
* Manufacturing Systems and Automation
* Process Automation
* Process Control and Monitoring
* Optimal Control
* Telematics
* Computers for Control
* Computational Intelligence in Control
* Information Control in Manufacturing
* Intelligent Traffic Control
* Chemical Process Control
* Control in Agriculture Biological and Medical Systems
* Modeling and Control of Environmental Systems
* Artificial Intelligence for Cyber-Physical Systems in Automation
* Machine Learning in Control Applications
* Education and Training in Automatic Control and Systems


* Industrial Robots
* Soft Robots
* Biorobotics and Medical Robots
* Sensors for Robots
* Mobile Robots
* Humanoid Robots
* Human-Robot Interaction
* Rehabilitation robotics
* Intelligent Robots & Systems
* Mechatronic Systems
* Multimodality Human-machine Interaction
* Robot Control and Learning
* Cognitive Approach for Robotics
* Flexible Automation
* Emerging Trends in Robotics Industry
* Industrial and Manufacturing Trends in Robotics
* Autonomous Systems and Drones
* Robots for Space Exploration
* Robotics in Defense
* Underwater Robots
* Network Robotics
* Telerobotics
* Nanorobotics


* Industrial Communication Technologies and Systems
* Emerging Trends in Communication Industry
* Industrial Networks and Automation
* Real-Time and Networked Embedded Systems
* Network Control and Security
* Web-enabled Manufacturing Control and Wireless Automation
* Wireless Sensor Networks for Robot Navigation
* Distributed Networks
* Network Architectures and Protocols
* Intelligent Network Components
* Next Generation Networks
* Communication Theory, Protocols and Signal Processing
* Telecommunications
* Digital Telecommunications
* Telecommunications in Smart Cities
* Wireless and Mobile Communications
* 3G and 4G Mobile Communications Services
* Satellite and Space Communications
* Global Navigation Satellites Systems
* Sensor, Mesh, and Ad hoc Networks
* Underwater Sensor Networks
* Radio Communications Systems
* Energy Harvesting and Power Management in Communication Systems
* Telemetry and Telecontrol

Contribution Types:

* Keynote presentations
* Invited talks
* Industrial presentations
* Regular sessions
* Special sessions
* Posters
* Exhibition
* Round tables and panel discussions
* Virtual Sessions (on demand)

Special Sessions:

Authors are welcome to organize and manage special sessions during the ARCI' 2023 conference. Each special session will contain 4-6 papers in a related field as specified above.

Session organizers will get:

- Certificate of Appreciation
- Free Registration
- Special Publishing Theme within Conference Proceedings

One event - three different publications !

1) All registered abstracts / papers will be published in the conference proceedings (USB flash drive edition of published Proceedings with the ISBN), distributed during the conference.

2) Authors will be invited to submit full-page extended papers to one of the following special issues of open access journals:

* Sensors & Transducers (ISSN 2306-8515, e-ISSN 1726-5479)
* MDPI Processes (ISSN 2227-9717)
* MDPI Machines (ISSN 2075-1702)

3) The full-page papers published in the journals will be selected by the Editorial Board to extend for book chapters for the open access Book Series on 'Advances in Robotics and Automatic Control: Reviews', Vol. 3, 'Advances in Networks, Security and Communications: Reviews', Vol. 3 or ''Advances in Intelligent Systems: Reviews', Vol. 3. All books will published in 2023 and submitted to the Book Citation Index by Clarivate Analytics.

- End -

Related Resources

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SPIE-Ei/Scopus-DMNLP 2025   2025 2nd International Conference on Data Mining and Natural Language Processing (DMNLP 2025)-EI Compendex&Scopus
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