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ECCWS 2023 :


When Jun 22, 2023 - Jun 23, 2023
Where Athens, Greece
Submission Deadline Dec 14, 2022
Categories    cyber warfare   cyber defence   cyber terrorism   digital forensics

Call For Papers

While the current geopolitical situation and the wave of incidents disclosed in the past years (such as the Mirai botnet, Stuxnet and Blackenergy, among others) has helped promoting general awareness about the impact of cyber-attacks on a variety of digital assets, from online services to critical infrastructures, there is still a lot of work to be done. This situation is further aggravated by trends such as the increasing popularity of all kinds of connected, Internet-of-Things (IoT)- based devices, deployed almost everywhere, from household LANs to Industrial Automation and Control Systems (IACS). This scenario constitutes a game-changer for protection frameworks and strategies, as infrastructure boundaries are pushed beyond the monolithic, self-hosted and stakeholder-centric model towards distributed and capillary service and device deployments involving several domains, such as cloud, telecommunications infrastructure and utility providers. Such systems need to be securely managed, monitored and configured, while preventing risks arising and from cyberattacks, intrusions and malware, compromising their operation or resulting in disasters. Collaboration is key to bring together all the interested entities and individuals, such as researchers, telecommunications operators, utilities, security solution providers and even defense organizations, in order to better understand how to work together towards establishing an optimal defense framework.

Related Resources

ECCWS 2025   24th European Conference on Cyber Warfare and Security
ISDFS 2025   13th International Symposium on Digital Forensics and Security