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13th HRC 2023 : 13th Humor Research Conference 2023


When Mar 31, 2023 - Apr 1, 2023
Where Online
Submission Deadline Jan 15, 2023
Notification Due Feb 1, 2023
Categories    linguistics   literary studies   psychology   sociology

Call For Papers

Registration is required for attendance and is free:

Call Deadline:
For paper and poster: Jan. 15th, 2023 (11:59 PM CST = UTC -6)

Meeting Description:
The Humor Research Conference is an online student-organized international multidisciplinary all-plenary event dedicated to the study of humor in all its facets. The 13th annual Humor Research Conference (HRC) 2023 will be live-broadcast on the web (March 31st - April 1st). All submissions about any topic related to humor studies, including and not limited to literary studies, psychology, folklore, sociology, computer science, and linguistics, are welcome.

Call for Papers:
There are three types of presentations:
1- Full papers (a standard 20-minute presentation, plus 5 minutes Q/A) presented live;
2- Posters: (Recorded maximum 15-minute presentations, uploaded to the conference web site by organizers a week before the conference: Students (or other scholars) may submit "e-poster" abstracts for the poster session, which will take place online. E-posters will be available online the day before the conference and presenters will have a 5-10 minute Q&A slot during the conference, in which attendees may ask questions or provide suggestions. E-posters consist of a maximum of 10 "slides" in .ppt or .pdf format and will be posted on the conference website.
3- Workshops (90 minutes)

Abstract for general submission (up to 250 words; plus 1 extra page for images, references, etc.); indicate if paper (20m + Q/A) or poster. Be sure to provide a title.
Any topic in humor research is welcome, including, and not restricted to, literary studies, psychology, sociology, anthropology, and linguistics.

Submission Email:

Acceptance Notification Dates
Acceptance notification: by Feb. 1st, 2023

Yu Lei

Gouda Taha

Salvatore Attardo, PhD
Department of Literature and Languages

Christian F. Hempelmann, PhD
Associate Professor of Computational Linguistics
Director, Ontological Semantic Technology Lab
Department of Literature and Languages

Related Resources

HAI 2025   Humor and Artificial Intelligence at ISHS 2025
LDK 2025   Fifth Conference on Language, Data and Knowledge
CHum 2025   1st Workshop on Computational Humor
DEPLING 2023   International Conference on Dependency Linguistics
SSGRB 2026   3rd Sustainable Solutions for Growth - Research and Business
CRBL 2025   5th International Conference on Cryptography and Blockchain
TRS 2025   Transportation Research Symposium
BIOM 2025   International Conference on Big Data, IoT and Machine Learning
ESORICS 2025   European Symposium on Research in Computer Security (round 2)
IJHAS 2025   International Journal of Humanities, Art and Social Studies