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JYEM 2023 : Journal of Young Explorers Meta - Student Journal


When Aug 10, 2023 - Aug 10, 2023
Where NYC
Abstract Registration Due Aug 10, 2023
Submission Deadline Jun 10, 2023
Notification Due Jul 10, 2023
Final Version Due Jul 20, 2023
Categories    humanities   sciences   social   economics

Call For Papers


Projects and experiences with integrating methods (or interdisciplinary fields) in non-science, science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) studies are welcome! Suggested topics include:

Integrated studies throughout the curriculum
Pre-college initiatives and outreach programs
Diversity in STEaM from high school to college
Fundamental and applied educational research in integrated STEaM

General Information

Please upload the materials online: go to the menu bar on top and select “Submission Portal” to upload the project material with the application form [download].
Please refer to the research paper format(for PPC and RPC): "Click here to download template format for the Research Paper"

Your project will be available for review by judges throughout the judging period.
All the submissions will go through a rigorous triple-blind peer review.
Submission deadline is at 11:59 EST on the day posted.

STEM project requires at least one image(any image representing the research or an image obtained from the research) for all submissions. Omission of an image may affect the consideration for acceptance to the first round review.

Multiple Submissions:

Submission of a project that describes the same work to more than one volume of JYEM is not allowed. That means you can submit RPC and PPC at the same time but not with the same project.

Award Announcement:

The results can come out generally 1~2 weeks after the submission due date. The final results will be posted on the footer section of the website.
When your manuscript is accepted for next round review, judges may request more information if it is needed.

Your paper for submission(s) for RPC/ PPC will be one (or both) of the following:
- A work in progress (preliminary or initial stage of research/investigation) paper of 2~3 pages
- A full paper of 3~15 pages
RPC/PPC - Project paper cannot exceed 15 pages. (If it exceeds, please describe the reason via email.)

Team projects must check Team Project box in the application form [click here] and list all the coauthors’ information in the Author section of the Abstract including each author’s complete name, school, and email. Corresponding author should be noted.
If you have problems uploading documents online, please send your research project documents(doc or docx file) or images/photos to directly with the application form [download].

There are no strict formatting requirements for PPT presentation file: the PPT slides will have to contain the essential elements needed to describe your research content. Please add "JYEM-PPT Competition" to the first title slide (location: either top right or top left is fine).

Scopes of the RPC and PPC

Science, Engineering, Humanities and Social Science:
Sciences - Biology, Physics, Chemistry and Biochemistry
Computer Science
Medicine / Health
Social / Behavioral Studies
Economics / Business / Financial Engineering
Environmental Studies
Political science

Related Resources

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