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SCEECS 2023 : 8th IEEE International Students' Conference on Electrical, Electronics and Computer Sciences


When Nov 6, 2022 - Feb 19, 2023
Where Bhopal
Submission Deadline Dec 5, 2022
Notification Due Jan 5, 2023
Final Version Due Jan 20, 2023
Categories    computer science   electronics and communication   electrical

Call For Papers

IEEE SCEECS 2022: 8th IEEE International Students' Conference on Electrical, Electronics and Computer Sciences. 19th – 20th February 22, Bhopal, India

Conference website:

Proceedings will be published by the MANIT IEEE Student Branch and archived in IEEE Xplore ® it would give your name, research and university an unmatched presence on the internet and allow scholars from all over the world to view and appreciate your work!

About the Conference:

IEEE International Students' Conference on Electrical, Electronics, and Computer Sciences 2023 is being organized in the City of Lakes, Bhopal on 18th -19th February 2023. This flagship conference of IEEE M.P Sub Section will feature a comprehensive technical program including paper presentations, workshops and expert guest lectures. We aim to provide a platform for the brightest students from all over the world to present and share their ideas, discuss recent developments with like-minded peers and interact with eminent researchers & academicians. SCEECS 2023 is a multi-disciplinary conference covering various tracks and topics from Electrical, Electronics & Computer Sciences.

SCEECS, a biennial event, is a buoyant unison of technical workshops and guest lectures by prominent personalities and a conference. IEEE SCEECS has witnessed the auspicious presence of guest speakers like Mr David Meltzer, Ms Smriti Tomar and Mr Sayomdeb Mukherjee and workshops conducted on trending tech topics in collaboration with tech giants like Azure Skynet, AMZ Automotive and many more.

The objective of this conference is to nurture research and innovation at undergraduate and postgraduate levels. We invite you to submit your original technical papers. Early research works from Doctoral students are also invited to be presented at the conference. The conference will feature a presentation of high-quality research papers handpicked by our expert panel. Accepted and presented papers will be published in the IEEE International SCEECS 2020 Conference Proceedings and archived in the IEEE Xplore ® database (ISBN: 978-1-7281-4862-5).

About MANIT Bhopal:

Maulana Azad National Institute of Technology (MANIT), Bhopal, is an institute of national importance established in 1960. Formerly known as Maulana Azad College of Technology, the institute has been named after the great scholar, educationist and the first Education Minister of Govt. of India, Maulana Abul Kalam Azad. Situated on the evergreen hill of the city of lakes, the institute proves to be a junction where diversified India blends a richness of ever-greater opportunities to explore student's potential. It acts as a mentor, awakening freshmen's inner capabilities and transforming them into dedicated, consistent and confident technocrats. Presently, along with about 200 teaching faculty and 4000 students, the institute is successfully meeting the objective of producing skilled manpower of the highest quality to cope with the challenges of the country's ever-evolving industrial needs.

MANIT's Computer Centre, Canteen, Workshops, Athletic Ground, Energy Centre and the open-air auditorium are the places where students enjoy a healthy and a competitive environment. They not only attain maturity and confidence but also shape themselves for the future needs of the world. MANIT has a rich culture of research and innovation and has been a venue to many conferences and symposia over the years.

About MANIT IEEE Student Branch:

IEEE MANIT STUDENT BRANCH is the solitary prestigious part of central India, Madhya Pradesh region. IEEE MANIT Student Branch ventures to be helpful and work diligently towards accomplishing its objective setting a benchmark, and endeavor to accomplish it with full meticulousness, endeavors, optimistic approach, and determination. Having gotten lofty awards, including the Darrel Chong decoration, twice, one being gold, IEEE MANIT Student Branch has demonstrated its fortitude and ability to be perhaps the most dedicated branch in the Asia Pacific Region and has successfully secured an excellent position among the other IEEE branches.

The conference is jointly organized by the MANIT IEEE Student Branch and Maulana Azad National Institute of Technology and is technically co-sponsored by:

- IEEE M.P Section, R10, Asia Pacific

Call For Papers: SCEECS 2022 invites unpublished and original research papers from Undergraduate, Postgraduate and Doctoral students in the following tracks and topics:


1. Power Electronics, Machines and Drives.
2. Power System Stability, Dynamics and Control
3. Restructuring of Power System, Electricity Markets and Energy Pricing
4. Power System Automation, Protection and Relaying
5. Distributed Generation, Renewable Energy Sources and Micro/Mini Grid Operation
6. High Voltage and Insulation Engineering
7. Sensors and Signal Conditioning
8. Soft Computing in Electrical Power and Energy Systems
9. Electrical Vehicles
10. Intelligent Systems
11. Advanced Propulsion Science
12. DFIG Machines : Improving Energy Efficiencies
13. Design Choice in the Direct Drive in-wheel motors
14. Smart Grid and Smart Technologies
15. Design of Electrical Machine


1. Signal and Image processing
2. Robotics and Autonomous Systems
3. Communication Systems
4. VLSI and Embedded Systems
5. Control Systems
6. Mobile Communication
7. Neural Networking
8. Ad-hoc, Mesh and Sensor Networks
9. Image/Video/Multimedia Signal Processing
10. Digital and Multirate Signal Processing
11. Pattern Recognition and Object Tracking
12. RF Circuits, Systems and Antennas
13. Electronic Devices, Materials and Fabrication Processes
14. Mobile Sensing
15. Satellite Communication

Computer Science:

1. Augmented Reality/ Virtual Reality
2. Big Data and Data Analytics
3. Artificial Intelligence/ Machine Learning
4. Cloud Computing, Edge Computing
5. Internet of Things
6. Quantum Computing
7. Blockchain
8. Cyber Security
9. Deep Learning
10. Computing Technologies Algorithm
11. Computational Intelligence
12. Computing Architectures and System
13. Human-Computer Interaction
14. Decryption and Encryption of data
15. Computer Vision, Graphics and Animation
16. Brain Computer Interface
17. IIOT

Last date for submission of full papers: 5th December 2022

Submission Guidelines:

Authors are invited to submit papers in electronic format. Papers for both oral and poster presentations should conform to the IEEE format and specifications. All submissions must be in English only. Authors are invited to submit a full paper (Maximum 6 pages, double-column A4) as PDF using the IEEE templates. The IEEE paper template can be downloaded from

The first author of the paper should be a student.

Submissions should be unpublished and original research papers from Undergraduate, Postgraduate and Doctoral students in the above-specified tracks and topics. Acceptance or rejection of articles is based on peer review of the full papers. Papers not presented at the conference shall not be included in IEEE Xplore.

Paper Submission: IEEE SCEECS 2023 is using Microsoft Conference management Tool Kit(CMT) for submission, paper processing and registration; authors need to:

- Login to CMT by clicking on the link below.
- Create an account if you have not got one already.
- Submit your paper there.

CMT Submission Link -

Kindly promote IEEE SCEECS 2023 to all your friends and contacts worldwide. IEEE SCEECS 2023 is promising to be a great conference and is a golden opportunity to network with world specialists and forge new friendships and cooperation with contemporaries in South East Asia, Europe and worldwide.

Best regards and hope to see you at SCEECS 2023 on 18th and 19th February 2023!

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