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ICCL 2023 : The 11th International Conference on Corpus Linguistics


When Jul 3, 2023 - Jul 6, 2023
Where Grenoble, France
Submission Deadline Feb 3, 2023
Notification Due Apr 15, 2023
Final Version Due May 19, 2023
Categories    NLP   linguistics

Call For Papers

Dear Corpora members,

Please find below a CFP for the next "Journées de la Linguistique de Corpus".

* The 11th International Conference on Corpus Linguistics *

3-6 July 2023, Grenoble

* Call for Papers *

The International Conference on Corpus Linguistics (JLC), founded by Geoffrey Williams in 2001 at the University of South Brittany, Lorient, France, regularly draws together an interdisciplinary community whose research focus is corpus linguistics. After seven gatherings in Lorient and an interlude in Orleans in 2015 (8th International Conference on Corpus Linguistics), the conference alighted in Grenoble in early July 2017 and in November 2019, organized by the LIDILEM Laboratory with contributions from LIG, ILCEA4, Litt&Arts and the MSH-Alpes. Université Grenoble Alpes is honored to host this international conference again from July 3rd to July 6th 2023. The JLC’23 are organized in collaboration with other labs from French universities (Lyon, Montpellier, Toulouse): DDL, ICAR, Praxiling, CLLE.
The objective of JLC'23 is to (re)unite a community that adopts various approaches, be they methodological or disciplinary, to promote corpus linguistics, and to contribute to the evolution of practices in the field by building bridges between different approaches to digital corpora. The participants are invited to share and compare their knowledge of tools, experiences, and findings.

In the tradition of previous conferences, the JLC in Grenoble will offer three days of presentations, guest speakers and discussion sessions among the participants. Training sessions on tools and methods will be organized over a half day.
This edition of the JLC will put a particular focus on corpora and didactics. A part of the conference will be specifically dedicated to this theme. We expect papers that show and question the use of corpora in teaching, be they feedback from real uses, presentation of methodological approaches for various audiences, or more theoretical points of view...

These days will not be limited to this theme and will be open to all kinds of contributions on written, oral or multimodal corpora, which may concern, in a non-exhaustive way :

1. Linguistic approaches to corpora
2. Methods and tools
3. Variations, genres, and discourse
4. Applications and uses of corpora for teaching and learning, translation, terminology...

Guest speakers include: Florence Mourlhon-Dallies + another speaker to be confirmed

Submissions for a presentation or a demonstration in French or English should not exceed three pages (excluding figures and bibliographic references) and must be anonymous. They will get double peer-reviewing by members of the scientific board. JLC2023 will adopt the SciencesConf system to manage communication proposals. In addition to classic presentations, you may also propose a demonstration (identical submission guidelines).
Publication: following the colloquium, authors are welcome to submit an article. This collection of articles will be reviewed and published online.


1. First CFP: November 2022
2. Submission deadline: Friday February 3rd 2023
3. Notification of acceptance: Mid-April 2023
4. Final submission version: Friday May 19th 2023
5. Registration begins: May 2023

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