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IEECP 2023 : 3rd European/International Virtual Conference on Innovations in Energy Engineering & Cleaner Production


When Jul 11, 2023 - Jul 12, 2023
Where Virtual
Abstract Registration Due Jun 25, 2023
Submission Deadline May 31, 2023
Notification Due Jun 15, 2023
Final Version Due Jun 25, 2023
Categories    energy   environment   green production   sustainability

Call For Papers

The current energy crisis will likely accelerate the transition to greener fuels in the medium term, according to the head of the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA). Higher use of renewables can speed up the investment in clean energy technologies which has remained far below the levels that are needed to bring emissions down to net zero by mid-century.

The International Conference on Innovations in Energy Engineering & Cleaner Production (IEECP’23) aims to investigate innovation applications and lastest research in the areas of energy production, alternative and renewable energy supply, energy savings analysis, cleaner production, optimization of energy processes and the environmental impacts. It is our pleasure to invite you to to participate to the IEECP’23, which will take place virtually from 11-12 July, 2023. The IEECP international conference provides a forum for both researchers and industry to present and share their latest findings in all aspects of applied energy and cleaner production. This provides a unique opportunity to investigate the intersections and the inter-play of the various approaches and solutions developed across this domain. The conference solicits contributions of abstracts, full or short papers that address the main energy topics which include, but are not limited to the following topics.


Prospective authors are invited to submit abstract, short or full papers in electronic format using our conference submission system.

For more information, please visit our conference web site:

Please take the time to explore the website, and keep yourself up to date on recent changed, as well as discover the IEE CP’23 conference.

Looking forward to hearing back from you and welcoming you in IEECP’23

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