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IE 2023 : 19th International Conference on Intelligent Environments


Conference Series : Intelligent Environments
When Jun 27, 2023 - Jun 30, 2023
Where Mauritius
Submission Deadline Dec 15, 2022
Notification Due Feb 20, 2023
Final Version Due Mar 30, 2023
Categories    intelligent environments   IOTS   sensors and actuators   context awareness

Call For Papers

The 19th International Conference on Intelligent Environments (IE2023) is the major annual venue in the area and will be held in beautiful Mauritius, next to Madagascar, from June 27th to June 30th. Mauritius is home to some of the world’s rarest plants and animals. However, for those who cannot come to beautiful Mauritius, IE2023 will also offer hybrid (online) participation options.

IE2023 offers an international forum and welcomes contributions from all over the planet. Intelligent Environments refer to physical spaces in which information and communication technologies, artificial intelligence, interfaces, sensing, and actuating technologies are woven to create interacting spaces. The ultimate objective of such environments is to enrich users’; activities while allowing users to manage them and be aware of each other’s capabilities.

Conference Program

IE2023 is a multidisciplinary event welcoming contributions from a diversity of various relevant areas, including sensors and actuators, signal processing (incl. audio and images), networking, human-computer interaction, artificial intelligence, software engineering, context-awareness, internet of things, pervasive and ubiquitous computing, applied in domains such healthcare, education, culture, and building environments etc.

IE2023 will include

full (8-page) and short (4-page) papers;
4 special sessions
9 workshops
8 tutorials
a doctoral colloquium;
an industrial forum; and
demos & videos session.
Moreover, IE2023 will host affiliated workshops.

Special Sessions
IE2023 will have 4 special sessions:

Event Processing for Intelligent Environments
Business Process Management and Smart Environments
Behavior Recognition and Scene Reconstruction in Driving Environments
The Role of Cognitive AI in Causing, and Managing, Disruption

The conference will start with a series of 9 workshops:

3rd International Workshop on Self-Learning in Intelligent Environments (SeLIE 2023)
12th International Workshop on Intelligent Environments Supporting Healthcare and Well-being (WISHWell 2023)
12th International Workshop on the Reliability of Intelligent Environments (WoRIE 2023)
2nd International Workshop on Edge AI for Smart Agriculture (EAISA 2023)
3rd International Workshop on Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning for Emerging Topics (ALLEGET 2023)
5th International Workshop on Legal Issues in Intelligent Environments (LIIE 2023)
2nd Workshop on Sentiment Analysis and Emotion Recognition for Social Robots (SENTIRobots)
1st International Workshop on Empathic Artificial Intelligence for Placemaking
1st Workshop on Ubicomp Environments and Social Robots Applications (UbiBot)

IE2023 will host 8 tutorials:

Towards Fully Mobile Publish/Subscribe
Graph Neural Networks and Applications in Intelligent Environments
Toward Bridging Business Processes and IoT Big Data
Video Object Tracking: a Deep Learning Perspective
Resilient Predictive Analytics Services in IoT Smart City Environments
Mastering data for enabling Smart Cities
Feedback and prospects in the development of a smart and resilient village
From IoT to IoV – Towards a Groundbreaking Merger of IoT and the Automotive Industry

Doctoral Colloquium
The aims the colloquium is to provide research students an opportunity to meet other people in a similar position, make relatively informal presentations, discuss and give/receive feedback on each other’s experiences, ideas, and findings, and to make connections and to have fun! All accepted presentations will be submitted as short (4-page) papers and published in the IE2023 IEEE Proceedings. A prize will be awarded for the best colloquium paper.

Industrial Forum
In the Industrial Forum, colleagues from the industry domain will have the opportunity to showcase their projects while attracting funding or further expanding collaborations with industry and academia at an international level. A limited number of presentation/demo slots of up to 30 minutes, including question and answer, will be available for industry partners. During these slots, it will be possible for companies to present products/solutions/projects related to the Intelligent Environment.

Publications (ISI-indexed)
Papers accepted in the main conference as either short or full paper will be published by IEEE indexed proceedings.
Papers accepted in workshops will be published as a volume of the IOS Press Ambient Intelligence and Smart Environments book Series of IOS Press as well as electronically through ACM Digital Library.
Both the articles in the IEEE proceedings and the IOS Press books will be ISI-indexed.

A selection of papers will be invited to extend and submit extended versions to special issues of the following journals:

Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Smart Environments, IF(JCR 2021)=2.759 (Q3)
Open Computer Science (OCS), IF (SJR 2021) = 0.363 (Q2). OCS is a diamond open access journal, which offers 40% discount in publication costs for selected IE2023 authors.
IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies, IF(JCR2021)=4.433(Q1)
IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics, IF (JCR 2021): 7.021 (Q1)
Submission Guidelines
Manuscripts must be submitted using EASYCHAIR system, through link.

Contributions have to be formatted following the IEEE template guidelines.

Pages Limit
Full papers have a page limit of 8 pages.
Special Sessions submission can only be Full papers (8 pages).
Doctoral Colloquium papers, Short papers and Demos and Video papers have a page limit of 4 pages.

Keynote Speakers
IE2023 includes keynote lectures by the following distinguished speakers:

Jan Peters, Technische Universitaet Darmstadt, Germany (on-site)
Anton Nijholt, University of Twente, The Netherlands (on-site)
Behzad Dariush, Honda Research Institute, USA (online)
Aki Härmä, Philips Research, The Netherlands (online)

The following 5 awards will be presented at IE2023:

Beatrice WORSLEY award for the best full paper
Best short paper award
Best doctoral colloquium paper award
Best Demos & Video award
Best full paper presentation award by a
female presenter
male presenter
Award for the most influential paper in the last 5 years

Related Resources

IE 2025   Intelligent Environments
WORIE 2025   14th International Workshop on the Reliability of Intelligent Environments
ISKE 2025   The 20th International Conference on Intelligent Systems and Knowledge Engineering (ISKE 2025)
ICISIP 2025   The 12th IIAE International Conference on Intelligent Systems and Image Processing 2025
IMCOM 2025   19th International Conference on Ubiquitous Information Management and Communication
IE 2025   The 24th International Conference on Informatics in Economy
IEEE ACIRS 2025   IEEE--2025 10th Asia-Pacific Conference on Intelligent Robot Systems (ACIRS 2025)
ISKE--SCI 2025   The 20th International Conference on Intelligent Systems and Knowledge Engineering (ISKE 2025)
ACIRS 2025   IEEE--2025 10th Asia-Pacific Conference on Intelligent Robot Systems (ACIRS 2025)
MobiCASE 2025   16th EAI International Conference on Mobile Computing, Applications and Services