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PESARO 2023 : International Conference on Performance, Safety and Robustness in Complex Systems and Applications | |||||||||||||||
Link: https://www.iaria.org/conferences2023/CfPPESARO23.html | |||||||||||||||
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Call For Papers | |||||||||||||||
There is a relation between organizational, design and operational complexity of organization and systems and the degree of robustness and safety under given performance metrics. More complex systems and applications might not be necessarily more profitable, but are less robust. There are trade-offs involved in designing and deploying distributed systems. Some designing technologies have a positive influence on safety and robustness, even operational performance is not optimized. Under constantly changing system infrastructure and user behaviors and needs, there is a challenge in designing complex systems and applications with a required level of performance, safety and robustness.
PESARO 2023 continues the a series of events dedicated to fundamentals, techniques and experiments to specify, design, and deploy systems and applications under given constraints on performance, safety and robustness. We solicit both academic, research, and industrial contributions. We welcome technical papers presenting research and practical results, position papers addressing the pros and cons of specific proposals, such as those being discussed in the standard fora or in industry consortia, survey papers addressing the key problems and solutions on any of the above topics short papers on work in progress, and panel proposals. Industrial presentations are not subject to the format and content constraints of regular submissions. We expect short and long presentations that express industrial position and status. Tutorials on specific related topics and panels on challenging areas are encouraged. The topics suggested by the conference can be discussed in term of concepts, state of the art, research, standards, implementations, running experiments, applications, and industrial case studies. Authors are invited to submit complete unpublished papers, which are not under review in any other conference or journal in the following, but not limited to, topic areas. All topics and submission formats are open to both research and industry contributions. -------------------------------- PESARO 2023 conference tracks: Fundamentals and metrics: Fundamentals on system safety; Robustness technology and evaluation; Metrics for risk assessment; Performance-oriented design; Safety-oriented system design; Performance metrics and dependable metrics; Active and passive safety; Performance warning delay Methodologies, techniques and algorithms: Systems modeling; Hazard analysis; System measurement and monitoring; Evaluation of safety data, and mitigation and prevention strategies; Model verification and validation; Fault-tolerant systems; Simulation, statistical analysis, and experimental design analysis; Language and run-time systems System performance measurement and metrics with the human in the loop: Performance, safety, and robustness aspects of human-machine interfaces; Performance, safety, and robustness aspects of social robotics; Performance, safety, and robustness aspects of extended reality; Performance, safety, and robustness aspects of interaction with medical devices; Explainability of systems with human-in-the-loop Systems performance and performance evaluation : Performance basics; Performance-oriented design; Performance methodology techniques and algorithms for analytic modeling; System measurement and monitoring; Model verification and validation, simulation, statistical analysis; Experimental design, and reliability analysis; Performance evaluation of various technologies and systems (mobile devices and wireless networks, distributed and parallel systems, file and storage systems, power management, database systems, computer networks and architectures, operating systems, fault-tolerant systems, and language and runtime systems). Performance in dedicated service systems (Web services, Financial services, Healthcare and pharmaceuticals, Telecommunications services, Industrial Manufacturing, Education services, Transportation services, Energy and utilities) Safety in transportation systems: Advanced vehicle safety systems; Predictive computation for driver assistance; Advanced driver assistance systems; Vision-based driver assistance systems; Estimation of driver intention; Detecting driver distraction; Automatic emergency steering systems; Systems for positioning multiple maps for self-driving car's autonomous navigation; Models for selecting an evacuation route; Safety in electric vehicles; Safety of traction power supply system in electrified railways; Automation systems mainline railways; Emergency vehicle management; Vulnerability of ambulance response; Intelligent logistics and multimodal transport systems; Connected vehicle wireless systems; Design of railway freight business process; Traffic monitoring and redirecting systems; Monitoring heavy goods vehicles; Speed transition zone control in small, rural communities; Spatial and temporal analysis of planned road Infrastructure and traffic in large cities; Transit signal priority strategies; Rural school bus routing safety problem; Large-scale dynamic traffic control systems; Development and analysis of bicycle collision avoidance systems; Dynamic car route planning; Near-optimal train scheduling and routing; Optimal dynamic lane reversal systems for autonomous vehicles; Speed limit sign recognition systems; Fast pedestrian detection for mobile devices; Pedestrian guidance systems for public transportation users; Systems for assessment and signalling dangerous transportation; Traffic safety based on speed profiles. Safety in industrial systems: Fundamentals on system safety; Safety of software systems and software engineering; Safety requirements; Safety for critical systems; Engineering for system robustness and reliability; Control of mission critical systems; Safety-oriented system design; Human tasks and error models; Hazard analysis; Cost and effectiveness of system safety; Verification and validation of safety; Safety tools; Evaluation of safety data, and mitigation and prevention strategies; Safety control and management; System Safety Implementation Guidelines and Standards; Transferring safety knowledge; Metrics for Risk Assessment; Contingency Planning and Occurrence Reporting; Preparedness Activities; Industry specific safety systems (Medical devices, Aerospace, Chemical industry, Nuclear power plants, Public health, Biological Safety) Robustness: Robustness concepts and applications; Theory and mechanisms for robustness; Uncertainty and robustness; Statistic robustness; Computation and optimization of robustness; Robustness estimation and approximation; Robustness correction; Robust systems; Robustness tests and benchmarking; Robustness and performance; Robustness and safety; Robustness of self-adapting production lines; Situation-awareness and self-awareness Systems risks: Identify and weight risks; Risk management systems; Risks in industrial systems; Risks in information-sharing systems; Limits in risks models; Systems risk evaluating (military, economic, judicial, etc.); Knowledge for risk-aware systems; Proactive and reactive alarm processing; Weak signals and big data; Risks of atmospheric surveillance systems; Risks in health systems; Earthquake systems; Radio-protection and nuclear risks; Risks in avionic and transportation systems; Lessons learned from accidents, crises and false alarms Applications and services: Mobile Web performance; Multiple data center management; Network latency and impact on performance/robustness; Performance and robustness of cloud-based solutions; Scalable safe and robust solutions; Mobile devices and wireless networks; Mission critical systems and applications; Industry specific safety systems (medical devices, aerospace, chemical industry, nuclear power plants, public health, biological systems) Deadlines: - Submission: Jan 18, 2023 - Notification: Feb 28, 2023 - Registration: Mar 14, 2023 - Camera ready: Mar 24, 2023 |