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PLAS 2022 : Workshop on Programming Languages and Analysis for Security


When Dec 12, 2022 - Dec 12, 2022
Where Virtual
Submission Deadline Nov 14, 2022
Notification Due Nov 30, 2022
Categories    security and privacy   programming languages

Call For Papers

PLAS provides a forum for exploring and evaluating the use of programming language and program analysis techniques for promoting security in the complete range of software systems, from compilers to machine-learned models and smart contracts. The workshop encourages proposals of new, speculative ideas, evaluations of new or known techniques in practical settings, and discussions of emerging threats and problems. We also host position papers that are radical, forward-looking, and lead to lively and insightful discussions influential to the future research at the intersection of programming languages and security.

We invite both short papers and long papers. All submissions should be anonymous. For short papers, we especially encourage the submission of position papers that are likely to generate lively discussion as well as short papers covering ongoing and future work.

Full papers: There is no page limit on long papers. Papers in this category are expected to have relatively mature content. Papers that present promising preliminary and exploratory work, or recently published work are particularly welcome in this category. Long papers may receive longer talk slots at the workshop than short papers, depending on the number of accepted submissions.
Short papers: should be at most 2 pages long, plus as many pages as needed for references. Papers that present radical, open-ended and forward-looking ideas are particularly welcome in this category. Authors submitting papers in this category must prepend the phrase "Short Paper:" to the title of the submitted paper.

The workshop has no published workshop proceedings and there is no restriction on paper format other than the page limits stated above. Presenting a paper (either short or long) at the workshop does not preclude submission to or publication in other venues that are before, concurrent, or after the workshop. Papers presented at the workshop will be made available to workshop participants only.

Related Resources

ASPLOS 2026   The ACM International Conference on Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems - Summer
CSP 2025   IEEE--2025 9th International Conference on Cryptography, Security and Privacy (CSP 2025)
OOPSLA 2025 Round 2 2025   Conference on Object-Oriented Programming Systems, Languages, and Applications (Round 2)
IJPLA 2025   International Journal of Programming Languages and Applications
VL/HCC 2025   IEEE Symposium on Visual Languages and Human-Centric Computing
LCTES 2025   The 26th ACM SIGPLAN/SIGBED International Conference on Languages, Compilers, and Tools for Embedded Systems
Intelligent Computing-Based Time Series 2025   Intelligent Computing: Special Issue: Intelligent Computing-Based Time Series Analysis for Cybersecurity
SLATE 2025   Symposium on Languages, Applications and Technologies
PCEIoT 2025   5th Workshop on Privacy in the Cloud/Edge/IoT World
ASPLOS 2026   The ACM International Conference on Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems - Spring