EuroGP is the premier annual conference on Genetic Programming (GP), the oldest and the only meeting worldwide explicitly devoted to this branch of evolutionary computation. It is always a high-quality, enjoyable, friendly event, attracting participants from all continents, and offering excellent opportunities for networking, informal contact, and exchange of ideas with fellow researchers. It will feature a mixture of oral presentations and poster sessions and invited keynote speakers.
Topics to be covered include, but are not limited to: Innovative applications of GP, Theoretical developments, GP performance and behaviour, Fitness landscape analysis of GP, Algorithms, representations and operators for GP, Search-based software engineering,
Genetic improvement programming, Evolutionary design, Evolutionary robotics, Tree-based GP and Linear GP, Graph-based GP and Grammar-based GP, Evolvable hardware, Self-reproducing programs, Multi-population GP, Multi-objective GP, Parallel GP, Probabilistic GP, Object-orientated GP, Hybrid architectures including GP, Coevolution and modularity in GP, Semantics in GP, Unconventional GP, Automatic software Maintenance, Evolutionary inductive programming, Evolution of automata or machines.
Paper submissions must be original and not published elsewhere. The submissions will be peer-reviewed by members of the program committee. The reviewing process will be double-blind. The highest quality papers may also be invited to submit extensions for publication in a special issue of the journal Genetic Programming and Evolvable Machines (GPEM).