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IMPACT 2023 : 13th International Workshop on Polyhedral Compilation Techniques


When Jan 16, 2022 - Jan 16, 2022
Where Toulouse, France
Submission Deadline Nov 27, 2022
Notification Due Dec 19, 2022
Final Version Due Jan 12, 2023

Call For Papers

This is a CALL FOR PAPERS for


13th International Workshop on
Polyhedral Compilation Techniques

held in conjunction with HiPEAC 2023 in Toulouse, France.

Submission: Original: Thursday, November 24, 2022 (AoE)
Extended: Sunday, November 27, 2022 (AoE)
Author notification: December 19, 2022
Final version due: January 12, 2023 (AoE)
Workshop: January 16, 2023

For this edition we accept two kinds of submissions: paper submissions
and presentation-only submissions.


Polyhedral compilation techniques receive more attention than ever
from both researchers and practitioners. Thanks to a unified formalism
for parallelization and memory optimization, polyhedral techniques
play a central role in a wide range of domain-specific languages and
optimizing compilers, with high impact in competitive areas such as
machine learning, scientific computing and media processing.

IMPACT is a unique event focusing on polyhedral compilation. The
workshop brings together researchers and practitioners for a
high-quality one-day event including a keynote, paper presentations,
and work-in-progress discussions. The workshop has a well
established tradition of high quality, extensive peer reviews, with a
PC balancing core polyhedral expertise with applications and broader
computing systems research.

We welcome both theoretical and experimental papers and presentations
on all aspects of polyhedral compilation. We also welcome submissions describing
preliminary results, crazy new ideas, position papers, experience
reports, education material, and available tools, with an aim to
stimulate discussions, collaborations, and advances in the field. The
following illustrate potential IMPACT papers:

- Thorough theoretical discussion of a preliminary idea with an attempt to
place it in context but no experimental results.

- Experimental results comparing two or more existing ideas, followed by a
detailed analysis.

- Presentation of an existing idea in a different way, including
illustrations of how the idea applies to new use cases, code,
architectures, etc. Attribution should be as clear as possible.

Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
- program optimization (automatic parallelization, tiling, etc.);
- code generation;
- data/communication management on GPUs, accelerators and distributed
- hardware/high-level synthesis for affine programs;
- static analysis;
- program verification;
- model checking;
- theoretical foundations of the polyhedral model;
- extensions of the polyhedral model;
- scalability and robustness of polyhedral compilation techniques.


Paper submissions should not exceed 10 pages (recommended 8 pages), excluding
references, formatted as per ACM SIGPLAN proceedings format.
Short paper submissions, even with only 2 pages, are welcome as well.

Use version 1.54 or above of the following templates to prepare your manuscript:

Make sure to use the "sigplan" subformat. Visit

for further information on SIGPLAN manuscript formatting.
NOTE: older versions of the article template use smaller fonts for
submission, please double-check that you are using the recent style file
(in particular, various LaTeX distributions ship older versions of the
acmart style file, please download the most recent one from ACM).

Submissions should use PDF format and be printable on US Letter or A4
paper. Please submit your manuscripts through EasyChair and while selecting
"Paper" as submission type:

Proceedings will be posted online. If the final version of an accepted
paper does not sufficiently address the comments of the reviewers, then
it may be accompanied by a note from the program committee. Publication
at IMPACT will not prevent later publication in conferences or journals
of the presented work. However, simultaneous submission to IMPACT and
other workshop, conference, or journal is often prohibited by the policy
of other venues. For instance, a manuscript overlapping significantly
with IMPACT submission cannot be submitted to PLDI 2023 or any other
overlapping SIGPLAN event.

Please make sure that at least one of the authors can attend the
workshop if your work is accepted to give a 25 minutes presentation of
your work.


Submit a summary of your presentation through EasyChair:

Submissions have no formatting requirements but should use PDF formal.
Choose "Presentation-only" when submitting.

The presentation should take no longer than 25 minutes to present.
Please make sure that at least one of the authors can attend the workshop
if your work is accepted.


Organizers and Program Chairs:

Michael Kruse (Argonne National Laboratory, USA)
Ramakrishna Upadrasta (IIT Hyderabad, India)


Program Committee:

Lorenzo Chelini (Intel, Switzerland)
Albert Cohen (Google, France)
Alexandre Eichenberger (IBM, USA)
Renato Golin (Intel, UK)
Tobias Grosser (University of Edinburgh, UK)
Vinod Grover (NVIDIA, USA)
Guillaume Iooss (INRIA, France)
Andreas Kloeckner (UIUC, USA)
Martin Kong (Ohio State University, USA)
Antoine Miné (Sorbonne Université, France)
Diana Picus (AMD, Sweden)
Arjun Pitchanathan (University of Edinburgh, UK)
Louis-Noel Pouchet (Ohio State University, USA)
Sanjay Rajopadhye (Colorado State University, USA)
P. Sadayappan (University of Utah, USA)
Daniele Giuseppe Spampinato (Huawei, Switzerland)
Sven Verdoolaege (Cerebras, Belgium)
David G. Wonnacott (Haverford College, USA)
Jie Zhao (State Key Laboratory Zhengzhou, China)

Related Resources

IMPACT 2025   15th International Workshop on Polyhedral Compilation Techniques
HP3C 2025   2025 9th International Conference on High Performance Compilation, Computing and Communications (HP3C 2025)
CMIT 2025   17th International Conference of Managing Information Technology
HP3C--EI 2025   2025 9th International Conference on High Performance Compilation, Computing and Communications (HP3C 2025)
IJIST 2025   International Journal of Information Sciences and Techniques
DMML 2025   6th International Conference on Data Mining & Machine Learning
ASIDIC 2025   Aerospace Structural Impact Dynamics International Conference
CIOS 2025   3rd International Conference on Cloud, IoT and Security
NLP4PI 2025   NLP for Positive Impact Workshop
SOMET 2025   24th International Conference on Intelligent Software Methodologies Tools and Techniques