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Current IoT Trends 2023 : Current IoT Trends, Issues, and Future Potential Using AI & Machine Learning Techniques


When N/A
Where N/A
Submission Deadline Dec 30, 2022
Notification Due Feb 15, 2023
Final Version Due Apr 1, 2023
Categories    intelligent system   machine learning   IOT   deep learning

Call For Papers

IoT has emerged as a creative, ingenious, and affordable solution for remote monitoring and automation applications in various industries, including finance, industry, manufacturing, management, automation, healthcare, and transportation. This wide range of diverse applications requires information and communication technologies that address practical concerns at different levels of granularity and handle the most compelling and difficult research questions in this multidisciplinary environment.

Regarding their infrastructure in various operational contexts and application-specific operational environments, the overall essential deployment scenarios of IoT need to be considered in this context. For remote and intelligent automation in all of these scenarios, IoT enables connecting the real world and virtual items to the Internet. This leads to the generation of enormous volumes of heterogeneous data that must be processed, analyzed, and used. In addition, IoT cloud-based platforms let you create services as
a framework to support expansive IoT applications. The potential to produce a significant amount of data from a diverse, heterogeneous, and intricate network of sensors and smart devices is considerable in this field. It's critical to make sure the data is valuable for creating applications that can be used.

AI and ML are promising techniques to process and analyze such enormous volumes of data and provide the data with some useful value. ML algorithms allow supervised, unsupervised, or mixed learning techniques to learn from previous experience and finally give meaning to otherwise meaningless data.

The convergence of machine intelligence with IoT infrastructure for ensuring the integrity of data and creating services for various applications has the following main challenges that need to be addressed:
(a) intelligent smart devices, (b) intelligent peer-to-peer communication, (c) end-to-end analytics,
(d) multidisciplinary and multilingual data analytics (e) coupling heterogeneous hardware and software resources.

This special issue's main focus is on how important machine learning is for creating creative answers for analysis, modelling, identification, optimization, prediction, classification, clustering, and managing future IoT-based smart systems for various uses. Submissions should be unique, never before published, and present comprehensive basic research contributions from a methodological or application perspective to comprehend machine learning methodologies and their capacities to address various issues in IoT and its practical applications.

Topics of interest include but are not limited to:

• Intelligent System
• Intelligent and reliable data acquisition
• Hybrid machine learning
• IoT protocols and architecture
• Security, privacy, integrity, and trust in IoT
• IoT applications in various domains
• Modeling and simulation of IoT
• Machine learning for IoT
• Machine Learning techniques for big data analysis
• Deep learning for IoT
• IoT for vehicular applications
• IoT for medical applications
• Business applications of IoT


Submission of manuscript: 30 December 2022
First notification: 15 Feb 2023
Submission of revised manuscript: 15 March 2023
Final notification: 1 April 2023


1) Before submission, authors should carefully read the Instructions for Authors
2) All submissions to the Special Issue must be made electronically via the online submission system
3) All manuscripts will undergo the standard peer-review process (single-blind, with at least two independent reviewers). When entering your submission via the online submission system, please choose the option
"SI Current IoT Trends. "

Submission of a manuscript implies that the work described has not been published before and is not under consideration for publication anywhere else.

We are looking forward to your submission!

In case of any further questions, please contact:
Editorial Office –

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