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WCCM 2022 : 15th World Congress in Computational Mechanics


When Jul 31, 2022 - Aug 5, 2022
Where Yokohama, Japan
Submission Deadline Jan 9, 2022

Call For Papers

In light of the uncertain months ahead and international travel restrictions applied to some countries, the WCCM-APCOM 2022 Organizers have decided to hold the event in a fully virtual format.

This decision has not been taken lightly and all necessary analysis and research has been undertaken before reaching this conclusion. We are confident that this is the best option to enable us to deliver a top-class scientific program with the needed time of preparation it deserves and requires, and to allow for maximum participation of all attendees.

The fully virtual format will be a video conference where all presentations will be presented by pre-recorded videos in advance. In-person presentations at the venue, the physical part in the initial plan, will no longer take place. Participants will be able to watch all presentations in the conference during the extended period and enjoy Q&A communications. The registration fee will be recalculated to the minimum based on a revised estimate of the overall budget.

In making this decision, the Organizers have taken into account the recent, positive experience with virtual events in our community such as the WCCM-ECCOMAS 2020, COMPSAFE 2020, CILAMCE-PANACM 2021 and USNCCM’16. The success of these events and the feedback we received from the community gives us confidence in being able to deliver an excellent virtual congress.

We aim to maintain the identity and momentum of the WCCM-APCOM 2022 Congress as the major international gathering of the IACM Community, and to provide a world-class showcase for the latest cutting-edge research and development in computational mechanics.

The official conference dates are July 31 - August 5, 2022 (JST), but most of the content will be accessible 1 week earlier, July 24, 2022 (JST), to ensure wider flexibility and accessibility for all participants.

In order to make participation affordable for all attendees, the conference is offering relatively low registration fees for the virtual format.

Members of the IACM community who did not submit abstracts to the original call but would like to participate now that the Congress will be virtual are invited to submit abstracts through the Congress website. Abstracts will be accepted until March 11 2022 (JST). For submissions, please contact Note that this is a hard deadline that won't be extended. Importantly, participants who submitted abstracts by January 9 deadline and wish to remain in the program need not submit their abstracts again. Letters of acceptance will be sent on short notice and accepted abstracts will be editable for finalization from March 23 to April 26, 2022 (JST).

We remain devoted to providing you with the best cutting-edge content in an engaging format. We thank you again for your continued support and look forward to welcoming you to our virtual WCCM-APCOM 2022!

Only one presentation per registered speaker is allowed without exception.
Program Booklets for virtual speakers are provided
Program Booklet for virtual speakers contains all the information for registered virtual participants, including the list of all the presentations and speakers in the congress.
Program Booklet for virtual speakers will not be printed, but its PDF version will be available for registered virtual participants.
Book of Abstracts and Conference Proceedings (previously called Book of Extended Abstracts) will be published online
Book of Abstracts will be published, but only its PDF version will be available for registered virtual participants.
Conference Proceedings (collection of Full Papers) will be published online after the congress, but only its PDF version will be available for registered virtual participants.

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