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DCAI 2023 : 20th International Conference on Distributed Computing and Artificial Intelligence


Conference Series : Distributed Computing and Artificial Intelligence
When Jul 12, 2023 - Jul 14, 2023
Where Guimaraes, Portugal
Submission Deadline Apr 1, 2023
Categories    reasoning under uncertainty   neural networks   multiagent systems   intelligent environments

Call For Papers

The 20th International Conference on Distributed Computing and Artificial Intelligence 2023 is an annual forum that will bring together ideas, projects and knowledge associated with distributed computing and artificial intelligence, and their application in different areas. This meeting will be held in GuimarĂ£es (Portugal) within PAAMS'23, from 12th to 14th July, 2023.

Nowadays, most computing systems, ranging from personal laptops/computers to cluster/grid/cloud computing systems, are capable of parallel and distributed computing. Distributed computing performs an increasingly important role in modern signal/data processing, information fusion and electronics engineering (e.g., electronic commerce, mobile communications and wireless devices). Particularly, applying artificial intelligence in distributed environments is becoming an element of high added value and economic potential. Research on Intelligent Distributed Systems has matured over the last decade and many effective applications are now being deployed. Artificial intelligence is changing our society. Its application in distributed environments, such as the Internet, electronic commerce, mobile communications, wireless devices, distributed computing, is becoming more widespread, and is becoming an element of high added value and economic potential, in both industry and research. These technologies are changing constantly as a result of the large research and technical effort being undertaken in both universities and businesses. The exchange of ideas between scientists and technicians from both academic and business backgrounds is essential to facilitating the development of systems that meet the demands of today's society. Technology transfer in this field is still a challenge and for that reason this type of contributions will be given special consideration at this symposium.

At least one of the authors will be required to register and attend the symposium where they will present the paper, this will allow for its inclusion in conference proceedings.

Intelligent Environments
Distributed Algorithms
Distributed Databases
Computer GRID
Cloud Computing
Edge Computing
Fog Computing
Multimedia and Distributed Animation Systems
Distributed Operating Systems
Real Time Systems
E-commerce and Electronic Business
Distributed Applications ICTs: trade, medicine, industry, the Internet, etc.
Implementation of AI Bioinformatics
Implementation of AI Biotechnology
Implementation of AI in the Development of Mobile Devices
Distributed Architectures
Multiagent Systems
High-performance Distributed Systems
Languages, Compilers, Planning, Load Balancing
Mobile and Wireless Systems
Security in Computer Systems
Software Engineering and Formal Methods
Distributed Intelligent Information Systems

Robotics and Control
Internet of Things (IoT)
Industrial Internet of Things (IIot)
Model Based Reasoning
Case Based Reasoning
Non-Monotonic Reasoning
Planning and Scheduling Tasks
Qualitative Reasoning
Reasoning Under Uncertainty
Temporal and Spatial Reasoning
Other Reasoning Models
Data Analysis and Big Data Techniques
Evolutionary Computation
Neural Networks
Reinforcement Learning
Other Learning Models
Applications of AI (TTIA)
Decision-Making Support System
Fintech or Financial Technology
Intelligent Interaction
Knowledge Management
Knowledge Representation

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