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IEEE HPSR 2023 : IEEE International Conference on High Performance Switching and Routing


When Jun 5, 2023 - Jun 7, 2023
Where Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA
Submission Deadline Jan 23, 2023
Notification Due Apr 3, 2023
Final Version Due May 1, 2023
Categories    communications   high-performance   networks

Call For Papers

IEEE International Conference on High Performance Switching and Routing
Artificial Intelligent Next Generation (NextG) Integrated Communications and Computing Systems
5-7 June 2023 @ Albuquerque, New Mexico

Next Generation (NextG) Integrated Communications and Computing Systems are envisioned to be characterized by resiliency, security, robustness, adaptability, and autonomy, while being supported by modern communication devices, computing solutions, networks, and systems. New networking technologies and intelligent techniques are needed to efficiently and effectively cope with the intricacy in traffic demands, as well as the heterogeneity of the services and applications requested by the end-users. In parallel, the advent of the Digital Continuum, i.e., device-to-edge-to-fog-to-Cloud continuum, promises to offer low-latency and ubiquitous computation to heterogeneous mobile and Internet of Things devices. A rich array of network services is expected to emerge seeking to realize greater synergy across the various component subsystems of the NextG Integrated Communications and Computing Systems.

The main focus of the HPSR 2023 – the 24th edition of HPSR conference – will be to assess how breakthrough changes occurring to NextG Integrated Communications and Computing Systems are affecting areas related to switching and routing, and NextG networks and systems in general. We are soliciting original and thought-provoking works on big data, data analytics, cloud and edge services, and artificial intelligent techniques applied to networking and switching and routing. Works on autonomous networks, 5G/6G, Industry 4.0, social networks, network, cybersecurity, virtualization, and other advanced topics are also welcome. Papers describing original, previously unpublished research, experimental efforts, practical experiences, as well as visionary roadmaps, in all aspects of switching and routing, and NextG networks and systems are solicited. Research works on the following topics, but not limited to, are welcome for submission through the following symposia:

Track A: NextG Integrated Communications and Computing Systems Symposium

Application of data analytics to switching and routing
Artificial intelligent routing and resource-allocation algorithms
Behavior-aware human-centric NextG networks and systems
Deep-learning technologies for NextG networks
Digital Continuum -- device-to-edge-to-fog-to-Cloud continuum
Dynamic bandwidth access and management for smart-factory/Industry 4.0 applications
Experimental measurements and testbed implementations
Game theory enabling resource allocation and routing
High performance, programmable networks for the Internet of Things
Integrated access and backhaul technologies
Integrated caching, computation, and communications
Positioning, Navigation, and Timing techniques
Quality of Experience resulting from intelligent routing
Quality of Service Optimization and resource allocation
Reconfigurable Intelligent Surfaces-enabled switching and routing
Switching architectures for NextG applications
Traffic monitoring and modeling applied to switching and routing
Traffic predictions in routing and resource assignment

Track B: High-Performance High Functionality Architectures Symposium

Address lookup algorithms, packet classification, scheduling, and dropping
Applications of data science and analysis on high-performance networks
Applications of GPU on network functions
Efficient data structures for networking applications
Future technologies for IoT
High-speed packet processors
ICT enabling technologies for e-health systems
Multiprocessor networks
Nano-communication networks
Network management
Network traffic characterization and measurements
Optical switching and routing
Power-aware switching, bridging, and routing protocols
Routing and resource allocation for Tactile Internet
Switching, bridging, and routing protocols whether wide-area or data centers
Switching support to Extended reality (including virtual, augmented, and mixed reality)
Traffic characterization and engineering
Standardization activities of emerging high performance switching and routing

Track C: Autonomous Networks Symposium

Architectures of high-performance switches and routers, with a focus towards reconfigurable pipelines (P4, OpenFlow, etc.)
Blockchain technologies
Computation offloading
Decentralized applications (DApps)
Decentralized autonomous organizations (DAOs)
Economics and pricing
Energy harvesting, storage, recycling, wireless power transfer
Green network monitoring and routing
Intelligent and connected vehicular networks
Medium access control, routing, and path selection
Middleware services for wireless, mobile and multimedia networks
Mobile social networks and routing
Multi-access edge computing (MEC)
Network and switch slicing
Network performance for Human-Agent-Robot Teamwork (HART)
Physical-layer aspects of switching and routing
Software-defined networking
Space-air-ground integrated networks (SAGIN)

Track D: Network Security Symposium

Adversarial machine learning
Applied cryptography for cyber, information, and network security
Attack prediction, detection, response, and prevention
Authentication protocols and key management
Blockchain security
Cloud, data center, and distributed systems security
Future Internet Architecture (FIA) security and privacy
Intrusion detection with artificial intelligent techniques
Malware detection and damage recovery
Network security and privacy protection
NextG networks and Internet security
Security in SDN and networking slicing
Security aspects of social networks
Security in smart grid communications
Security in virtualized network functions built or managed using software-defined networks
Security and privacy in the Age of Information
Trust management in networks through emerging technologies
Virtual Private WANs
Zero Trust Architecture

Important Dates:

Paper Submission Due: January 23, 2023
Acceptance Notifications: April 3, 2023
Author Registration Deadline: April 24, 2023
Final Version Submission Due: May 1, 2023

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