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SI ETRACNS 2023 : Special Issue on Emerging Trends and Recent Advances in Communication Networks Security


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Submission Deadline May 31, 2023
Categories    computer science   cryptography   cybersecurity   programming

Call For Papers

SPECIAL ISSUE on Emerging Trends and Recent Advances in Communication Networks Security

JOURNAL Open Computer Science

Zhengyi Chai, Tiangong University, China
Mohsen Guizani, Mohamed Bin Zayed University of Artificial Intelligence (MBZUAI), Abu Dhabi, UAE


The deadline for submissions is MAY 31, 2022, but individual papers will be reviewed and published online on an ongoing basis.

This special issue in Open Computer Science focuses on Emerging Trends and Recent Advances in Communication Networks Security.
The Internet, as the backbone of communication between objects, people, companies, and management, has become a powerful integration platform. The platform provides access to multiple hardware and virtualized resources (servers, networks, storage, applications, connected objects) from cloud computing to IoT infrastructure. It has played an important role in promoting the progress of science and technology. However, interconnecting systems through networks, access to information, different computer technologies, and a combination of all these aspects puts both academic and industrial infrastructure at serious risk. Network systems are subject to various security attacks, such as distributed denial of service, man-in-the-middle attacks, network injection, and malware attacks. The consequences of these attacks are almost always invasive and destructive to computerized systems, and can be fatal if the attack is carried out in the field of smart health devices. Therefore, effective security-based solutions need to be researched to eliminate these risks or counter attacks. Today, intelligent systems for cybersecurity cover a wide range of areas, including smart cities, cyber-physical systems and critical infrastructure, security of vehicles and implantable medical devices, malware research, cryptography, biometrics, human-computer interaction security, secure wireless sensor networks, RFID security, early detection and intervention, and privacy. This special issue will focus on emerging trends and recent developments in communication networks security management. Topics of interest include but are not limited to the following:

- Advances in blockchain and cybersecurity for smart city applications
- Secure and resilient communication and control architecture
- Cryptography, key management, authorization, and access control
- Security, reliability, and privacy of communication networks
- Security threat and vulnerability assessment and measurement
- Analytics and big data for security management
- Applying next-generation technologies to the security of IoT, cloud computing, wireless and mobile networks
- Configuration and orchestration of security mechanisms
- Security policy specification and management in communication networks
- Complex network algorithms for network security
- Communication network security using artificial intelligence


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