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KDIS-WB DIME Conference 2022 : KDI School-World Bank DIME Conference on Impact Evaluation in Development amid Overlapping Crises


When Nov 10, 2022 - Nov 11, 2022
Where Seoul, South Korea
Submission Deadline Sep 30, 2022
Categories    impact evaluation   development economics   international development   world bank

Call For Papers

Developing countries are facing multiple global crises. Against a backdrop of the war in Ukraine and volatile economic conditions, they battle against numerous challenges related to food and energy insecurity, climate breakdown, the lingering pandemic, social and economic inequality, and refugees and forced displacement.

With this in mind, KDI School of Public Policy and Management (KDI School) and the World Bank’s Development Impact Evaluation (DIME) group are delighted to invite submissions for our 2022 conference, “Development amid Overlapping Global Crises.”

The conference will take place in person on November 10th and 11th in Seoul, South Korea, hosted by KDI School. We invite academics and researchers to submit a paper that investigates the following topics, but papers in other topics related to development economics will also be considered:
1. Refugee, Migration, and Forced Displacement
2. Climate Change, Energy, and Environment
3. Agriculture and Food Security
4. Gender and Inclusive Development
5. Accountable and Responsive Governance

We also invite graduate students and postdoc researchers to submit a research paper or a research proposal for a lightning session, i.e., a 5-10 minute short presentation for each speaker.

[Submission details]
All submissions must be in English. Only full drafts of papers will be considered for the main conference sessions, while we will also consider research proposals for the lightning session. Research proposals should not be longer than five pages. Working papers and research proposals should be submitted to by September 30th, 2022. The organizers will select papers/proposals based on quality and fit for the conference themes, with particular attention given to papers that cover multiple thematic areas. We anticipate announcing decisions in mid-October.

[Important dates]
Deadline for submission: September 30th, 2022
Decisions: October 7th, 2022
Sessions finalized: Mid-October 2022
Conference: November 10th and 11th, 2022
Contact information
E-mail: /
Phone: +82 44-550-1104

KDI School of Public Policy and Management
KDI School of Public Policy and Management was established in 1997 by the Korean government to educate and develop the next generation of leaders in today’s rapidly changing and globalizing economy. KDI School offers innovative programs that focus on policy and international issues. It aims to transform mid-career professionals into leaders in their respective fields by equipping them with new knowledge, vision, and global perspective. KDI school aims to produce experts with a global mindset in the fields of policy, development, and management. It is a premier graduate school in public policy, with its programs accredited by NASPAA, which sets the global standard for public service education.

The World Bank’s Development Impact Evaluation (DIME) group generates high-quality and operationally relevant data and research to transform development policy, help reduce extreme poverty, and secure shared prosperity. It develops customized data and evidence ecosystems to produce actionable information and recommend specific policy pathways to maximize impact. The work is based on a co-production model aimed at transferring capacity and know-how to partners to make mid-course corrections and scale up successful policy instruments to achieve policy outcomes. These corrections increase the rate of return of underlying investments by large margins, far exceeding the costs of the research. The group conducts research in 60 countries with 200 agencies leveraging a $180M research budget against $18B in development finance. It also provides advisory services to 30 multilateral and bilateral development agencies in the world. Finally, DIME invests in public goods to improve the quality and reproducibility of development research around the world. From DIME Wiki to toolkits, training and summer schools, DIME is servicing the global community of researchers and, in so doing, improving the quality of global policy advice.

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