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IEEE CCNC STP-CPS 2023 : 5th International Workshop on Security Trust Privacy for Cyber-Physical Systems (STP-CPS'23) with IEEE CCNC 2023, 8-11 January, Las Vegas, NV, USA


When Jan 8, 2023 - Jan 11, 2023
Where Las Vegas, NV, USA
Submission Deadline Oct 9, 2022
Notification Due Oct 28, 2022
Final Version Due Nov 10, 2022

Call For Papers


5th International Workshop on Security Trust Privacy for Cyber-Physical Systems (STP-CPS'23)
with IEEE CCNC 2023, 8-11 January, Las Vegas, NV, USA

CFP Weblink:
Workshop Home:

- Overview -

Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS) integrate computing and communication capabilities with monitoring and control of entities in the physical world. These systems are usually composed of a set of networked agents, including sensors, actuators, control processing units, and communication devices. All the critical infrastructures will also be a part of such a cyber-physical ecosystem to enable smart and connected environments. The tight coupling of Cybersystems with the physical systems brings challenges in terms of stability, security, reliability, robustness, and efficiency. Prevalence of such cyber-physical ecosystem, which is inherent of distributed nature, demands to architect models and propose solutions that can suitably address the above-mentioned challenges. A multitude of CPS devices and applications exist in industrial, transportation, medical, home-security, building automation, emergency management, power, and many other systems, which serve critical functions in our lives. Given the popularity of the CPS applications, securing them against malicious activities is of utmost importance. Otherwise, malfunctioning and insecure CPS devices and applications can cause enormous damage to individuals, businesses, and nations.

The automatic orchestration of networks is enabled by the Software-Defined Networking (SDN), Network Virtualization (NV), and Network Function Virtualization (NFV) paradigms, and offers many advantages for the network operators and service providers. Especially, SDN can be integrated with CPS to provide scalable, reliable, secure and efficient communication in a heterogeneous infrastructure. It manages and verifies the correctness of the network operations at run time.

This workshop intends to focus on understanding security challenges and the attack surface of modern cyber-physical systems, and architect innovative solutions with the help of cutting-edge technologies. We hope to attract high-quality research articles on the above-mentioned topic along with review articles that describe the current state of the art. The workshop seeks novel submissions describing practical and theoretical solutions to the cybersecurity challenges facing CPS. Submissions may represent any application area for CPS. The proposed workshop will serve as a forum for researchers from academia, government, and industries, to exchange ideas, present new results, and provide future visions on these topics.

- Topics of Interest -

Example topics of interest are given below, but are not limited to:

- STP for softwarized CPS architectures
- Trustworthy AI and CPS
- Threat models and Vulnerability analysis for softwarized CPS
- Physical layer security for CPS
- Anonymization in CPS
- STP of CPS in automotive aerospace, embedded, industrial control systems and medical devices
- STP management and usability issues in CPS
- User interfaces for secure and privacy-aware pervasive computing applications
- STP-aware service discovery mechanisms for pervasive computing environments
- STP issues for handheld device CPS applications such as healthcare
- Application of blockchain technologies for STP-aware CPS
- Resilient deployment strategies and auto-configuration mechanisms for softwarized CPS ecosystems

- Important Dates -

Workshop Papers Due: 09 October 2022
Acceptance Notification: 28 October 2022
Final Camera Ready: 11 November 2022
Workshop Papers Presentation: 08 January or 11 January 2023

- Submission Guideline and Link -

Please, submit your papers via the EDAS submission system:

All papers for the Workshops should be submitted via EDAS.

Please make sure to follow the Submission Guidelines for submissions:

- Committees -

Laurence T. Yang, Saint Francis Xavier University, Canada

Gautam Srivastava, Brandon University, CA
Uttam Ghosh, Vanderbilt University, USA
Jerry Lin, Western Norway University of Applied Sciences, Norway

Al-Sakib Khan Pathan, United International University, Bangladesh
Mohamed Baza, College of Charleston, USA

Zhaojun 'Steven' Li, Western New England University, USA
Keping Yu, Waseda University, Japan
Hari Mohan Pandey, Edge Hill University, UK
Deepak Tosh, UTEP, USA



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