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CALL FOR PAPERS - The Political Theology 2023 : CALL FOR PAPERS - The Political Theology and the State of Exception: Critical readings on the centenary of Political Theology & Roman Catholicism and Political Form by Carl Schm


Link: http://file:///C:/Users/Eberhard/Downloads/OPTH_CFP%20Political%20Theology%20and%20the%20State%20of%20Exception.pdf
When Aug 14, 2022 - Oct 10, 2022
Where Online
Submission Deadline TBD
Categories    theology   politics   carl schmitt   political theology

Call For Papers


The Political Theology and the State of Exception:

Critical readings on the centenary of Political Theology

& Roman Catholicism and Political Form

by Carl Schmitt

(second call)

“Open Theology” ( invites submissions for the topical issue "The Political Theology and the State of Exception: Critical readings on the centenary of Political Theology & Roman Catholicism and Political Form by Carl Schmitt," edited by Guillermo Andrés Duque Silva (University of King Juan Carlos, Spain).


In Political Theology (1922) and Roman Catholicism and Political Form (1923), Carl Schmitt enters a controversy, in both theological and legal disciplines, based on his verdict on the modern conceptions of all theories of the state, which he qualifies as "secularized theological concepts." In these works, Schmitt raised a criticism of positivist conceptions of law, economics, and politics that presume a break from the theological field that only refers, according to Schmitt, to fiction.

The analysis of these innovations has made Schmitt one of the primary theoretical references for understanding states of siege, states of exception, the state of war, and the origin of politics and the right - central concepts of the "Schmittian universe" that, for better or for worse, seem to retain their validity in the XXI century.

Within the framework of the centenary of these works, we invite researchers in Carl Schmitt's thought and the concepts of Political Theology, state of exception, and realistic conceptions of law and politics to participate in this topical issue of "Open Theology".

All contributions that address any of the following topics will be welcome:

- Religion, secularism, and politics from Carl Schmitt and against him.

- Debate on the liquidation of all political theology between Carl Schmitt and Erik Peterson.

- Theological-political critique of the supposed "non-political" of law and economics.

- Political uses of the theological concepts stasis, thumos, and orge.

- Contemporary applications of Political Theology in international relations.

- Decisionism in the 21st century: new chapters in political theology?

- Sovereignty and the state of exception in the "young Carl Schmitt."

- Oppositions between law and power from the theological-political reading of Carl Schmitt.

- Theological background of political power in the birth of the modern state.

- Schmitt's sources: Bodin, Bonald, De Maistre and Donoso Cortés.

- Liquidation of all political theology: truth or legend?

- Schmitt in debate with Hans Maier, Ernst Feil and Ernst Topitsch.

- Eusebius as a prototype of Schmitt's Political Theology.

- With Schmitt and against Schmitt: Liberation Theology as Political Theology?

- Giorgio Agamben and Carl Schmitt: a debate between absentees.

- The question about who decides in the state of exception. The Schmittian sovereign trouble in some examples of the political present.

- "Between Karl and Carl": the Schmittian reading from the left and the theological question in the revolution. In dialogue with Carl Schmitt: Sorel, Lenin, Benjamin, Engels, and Marx.

- Schmitt's critique of the technical domain and the mechanization of politics and its possible relevance in the digital age.

- The Schmittian reading of the COVID-19 phenomenon.

Authors publishing their articles in the topical issue will benefit from:

– transparent, comprehensive and fast peer review,

– free language assistance for authors from non-English speaking regions.

Because "Open Theology" is published under an Open Access model, as a rule, publication costs are covered by Article Publishing Charges (APC), paid by authors, their affiliated institutions, funders or sponsors.

Authors without access to publishing funds are encouraged to discuss potential discounts or waivers with Managing Editor of the journal Katarzyna Tempczyk ( before submitting their manuscripts.


Submissions will be collected until January, 2023, via the on-line submission system at

Choose as article type: “Political Theology”

Before submission the authors should carefully read the Instruction for Authors, available at:

All contributions will undergo critical peer-review before being accepted for publication.

Further questions about content for this thematic issue can be addressed to Guillermo Andrés Duque Silva at Technical or financial questions can be directed to journal Managing Editor Katarzyna Tempczyk at

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