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AUSDM 2022 : The 20th Australasian Data Mining Conference 2022 Deadline Extended to August 19


When Dec 12, 2022 - Dec 16, 2022
Where Western Sydney, Australia
Abstract Registration Due Aug 19, 2022
Submission Deadline Aug 26, 2022
Notification Due Sep 23, 2022
Final Version Due Oct 7, 2022
Categories    data mining

Call For Papers

AUSDM 2022 Deadline Extended to August 19

1) CFP extended to *** August 19 ***.
2) Call for Doctoral Consortium extended to *** September 2 ***.
3) *** A selected number of best papers will be invited for possible inclusion, in an expanded and revised form, in the Data Science and Engineering (, Scimago Q1 journal published by Springer. ***

AusDM Festival: Marking the 20th Anniversary of the Australasian Data Mining Conference (AusDM 2022)
Western Sydney, Australia, 12 - 16 December 2022

Important Dates
Abstract submission: 19 Aug 22
Paper submission: 26 Aug 22
Notification: 23 Sept 22
Camera-ready: 7 Oct 22
Author Registration: 7 Oct 22
Conference: 12-16 Dec 22

The conference is planned to be an in-person event in western Sydney. Participants from Australia and New Zealand are encouraged to attend it personally. There will be an option for overseas participants to attend it virtually.

The Australasian Data Mining Conference has established itself as the premier Australasian meeting for both practitioners and researchers in data mining. It is devoted to the art and science of intelligent analysis of (usually big) data sets for meaningful (and previously unknown) insights. This conference will enable the sharing and learning of research and progress in the local context and breakthroughs in data mining algorithms and their applications across all industries.

Since AusDM’02, the conference has showcased research in data mining, providing a forum for presenting and discussing the latest research and developments. Built on this tradition, AusDM’22 will facilitate the cross-disciplinary exchange of ideas, experience and potential research directions. Specifically, the conference seeks to showcase: Research Prototypes; Industry Case Studies; Practical Analytics Technology; and Research Student Projects. AusDM’22 will be a meeting place for pushing forward the frontiers of data mining in academia and industry.

AusDM’22 will deliver keynote speeches, invited talks, full paper presentations, abstract, posters, tutorials, workshops, social events, etc.

Publication and Topics
We are calling for papers, both research and applications, and from both academia and industry, for publication and presentation at the conference. All papers will go through double-blind, peer–review by a panel of international experts. The AusDM 2022 proceeding will be published by Springer Communications in Computer and Information Science (CCIS) and become available immediately after the conference.

Please note that AusDM’22 requires that at least one author for each accepted paper register for the conference and present their work for the paper to be published in the proceeding.

AusDM’22 invites contributions addressing current research in data mining and knowledge discovery as well as experiences, novel applications and future challenges. Topics of interest include, but are not restricted to:

Applications and Case Studies
Big Data Analytics
Biomedical and Health Data Mining
Data mining techniques in Neuroinformatics
Data Mining in Genomics and Proteomics
Business Analytics
Computational Aspects of Data Mining
Data Integration, Matching and Linkage
Data Mining in Education
Data Mining in Security and Surveillance
Data Preparation, Cleaning and Preprocessing
Data Stream Mining
Deep Learning
Evaluation of Results and their Communication

Keynote Speakers
As is tradition for AusDM we have lined up an excellent keynote speaker program. Each speaker is a well-known researcher and/or practitioner in data mining and related disciplines. The keynote program provides an opportunity to hear from some of the world’s leaders on what the technology offers and where it is heading.

We invite three types of submissions for AusDM’22:

Research Track: Academic submissions reporting on new algorithms, novel approaches and research progress, with a paper length of between 8 and 15 pages in Springer CCIS style, as detailed below.

Application Track: Submissions reporting on applications of data mining and machine learning and describing specific data mining implementations and experiences in the real world. Submissions in this category can be between 6 and 15 pages in Springer CCIS style, as detailed below.

Industry Showcase Track: Submissions from governments and industry on an analytics solution that has raised profits, reduced costs and/or achieved other important policy and/or business outcomes can be made in this track. Submissions to this category should be a 1-page extended abstract. Note that this track is presentation only, without publication in conference proceedings. For publication of your papers, please submit them to the above Application Track.

All submissions, except for the Industry Showcase Track, will go through a double-blind review process, i.e. paper submissions must NOT include authors names or affiliations or acknowledgments referring to funding bodies. Self-citing references should also be removed from the submitted papers for the double-blinded reviewing purpose. The information can be added in the accepted final camera-ready submissions.

All submissions are required to follow the format specified for papers in the Springer Communications in Computer and Information Science (CCIS) style. Authors should consult Springer’s authors’ guidelines and use the proceeding templates, either in LaTeX or Word, for the preparation of their papers. The electronic submission must be in PDF only and made through the AusDM Submission page. Springer encourages authors to include their ORCIDs in their papers. In addition, the corresponding author of each paper, acting on behalf of all the authors of the paper, must complete and sign a Consent to Publish form, through which the copyright for their paper is transferred to Springer.

***A selected number of best papers will be invited for possible inclusion, in an expanded and revised form, in the Data Science and Engineering (, Scimago Q1 journal published by Springer.***

Doctoral Consortium at the 20th anniversary of AusDM 2022

This year we are celebrating the 20th anniversary of the Australasian Data Mining Conference (AusDM), and we have an exciting line-up to celebrate this milestone. We would like to personally ask you to encourage your research students (both PhD and research Masters) to submit to our Doctoral Consortium and also to the main conference. The conference is planned to be an in-person event in western Sydney.

The doctoral consortium (DC) of AusDM 2022 is aimed at providing PhD students with the opportunity to receive feedback on their research (from established researchers in their fields); interact closely with other researchers and PhD students. The doctoral consortium will be held on the same day as the industry and government, and special session days. Apart from extra feedback, we hope to provide students with new contacts and professional networking opportunities.

The submission deadline for DC is the 2nd of September. Please ask students to refer to the conference website for details on submissions. Please feel free to email me or other program committee members with any questions. Looking forward to seeing you all in Sydney.

Organizing Committee

Steering Committee Chairs
Simeon Simoff (Western Sydney University)
Graham Williams (The Australian National University)

General Chairs
Yun Sing Koh (University of Auckland)
Yanchang Zhao (Data61, CSIRO)

PC Chair – Research
Heitor Murilo Gomes (Victoria University of Wellington)
Laurence Park (Western Sydney University)

PC Chair – Application
Maryam Doborjeh (Auckland University of Technology)

Industry Chair
Jess Moore (The Australian National University)

Special Session Chair
Diana Benavides Prado (University of Auckland)

Publication Chair
Yee Ling Boo (RMIT University)

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Chair
Richi Nayak (Queensland University of Technology)

Finance Chair
Michael Walsh (Western Sydney University)

Web Chair
Ben Halstead (University of Auckland)

Publicity Chair
Monica Bian (University of Sydney)

Local Organising Chairs
Quang Vinh Nguyen (Western Sydney University)
Zhonglin (Jolin) Qu (Western Sydney University)

Tutorial Chair
Varvara Vetrova (University of Canterbury)

Doctoral Symposium Chair
Vithya Yogarajan (University of Auckland)

Further Information

AusDM’22 website:

Related Resources

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