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MDM special issue 2022 : MDM special issue: Diagnosis of early Alzheimer's disease based on Artificial Intelligence


When N/A
Where N/A
Submission Deadline Dec 31, 2022
Notification Due Jan 31, 2023
Final Version Due Mar 3, 2023
Categories    alzheimer’s disease   early diagnosis   artificial intelligence   deep learning

Call For Papers

Alzheimer's disease (AD) is a neuro degenerative disease caused by the death of nerve cells in the brain,which seriously endangers the physical and mental health of the elderly.According to the statistics of China Center for Disease Control and prevention,the number of patients with Alzheimer's disease in the world exceeded 52 million in 2021. It is estimated that by 2050, the number of patients with AD will reach 105 million, and the loss in AD will also be as high as US $1.1 trillion.It can be seen that AD has become a more and more serious public health and social problem, which has caused a great burden on families, society and the government.

Studies have shown that the stage before the dementia stage of AD is called Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI). At this time, patients have objective cognitive impairment, but the ability of daily living has not been significantly affected. Due to lack of effective AD intervention drugs, it is very important to diagnose AD in the early stage of onset. At present, artificial intelligence is widely used in medical identification, drug research and development, auxiliary decision-making, chronic disease prediction, postoperative survival analysis, epidemic situation deduction and so on.Relevant studies have shown that artificial intelligence technology can be used to model the language function, facial expression, logical reasoning and spatial navigation ability of AD patients, so as to predict the possibility of people suffering from AD. Therefore, how to use artificial intelligence technology to assist in the early diagnosis of AD has important research significance, which is the main topic of this special issue.

Potential topics include but are not limited to the following:
1. Alzheimer's disease recognition based on language screening;
2. Alzheimer's disease recognition based on facial features;
3. Alzheimer's disease recognition based on behavioral features;
4. Alzheimer's disease recognition based on space navigation ability;
5. Alzheimer's disease recognition based on pathological features;
6. Positron emission tomography analysis;
7. Early diagnosis platform of Alzheimer's disease.


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