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JSEP SI on SQ4MS 2023 : Special Issue on “Software Quality for Modern Systems” - Journal of Software: Evolution and Process (Wiley)


When N/A
Where N/A
Submission Deadline Dec 15, 2022
Notification Due Feb 25, 2023
Final Version Due Jul 25, 2023
Categories    software testing   test automation   test tools   industrial experiences

Call For Papers

Software pervasiveness in Modern Systems strongly affects both industry and digital society. As a notable recent example, the proliferation of Artificial Intelligence (AI) technologies is continuously leading to emerging needs and expectations from both software producers and consumers. At the same time, infrastructures, software components, and applications aim to hide their increasing complexity in order to appear more human-centric. However, the potential risk from design errors, poor integration, and time-consuming engineering phases can result in unreliable solutions that can barely meet their intended objectives. In this context, Software Engineering processes keep demanding for the investigation of novel and further refined approaches to Software Quality Assurance (SQA).

Software testing automation is a discipline that has produced noteworthy research in the last decades. The search for solutions to automatically test any concept of software is critical, and it encompasses several areas. These include generating test cases, test oracles, and test doubles (e.g., dummies, stubs, mocks, fakes); defining test selection and prioritization criteria; engineering infrastructures governing and optimizing the execution of testing sessions locally or remotely in the cloud.

The special issue aims to collect high quality contributions concerning research methods, empirical evaluations, or industrial case studies on software test automation. Specifically, the main focus of the special issue is on "Software Quality for Modern Systems" where modern systems include but are not limited to: AI Applications, ML-based Solutions, X-AI Approaches, MultiAgent Systems, Adaptive Systems, Ambient Intelligent Frameworks, Cloud Platforms, Distributed IoT Scenarios, or Blockchain Technologies. Software quality attributes that are covered by the special issue are: robustness, safety, explicability, accountability, reproducibility, trustworthiness, privacy, legal,
and equitable.

====== Topics ======

A partial but detailed list of the topics on software testing automation relevant for the special issue is reported in the following:
* Test automation of large, complex system
* Metrics for testing - test efficiency, test coverage
* Tools for model-based V&V
* Test-driven development
* Standardization of test tools
* Test coverage metrics and criteria
* Product line testing
* Formal methods and theories for testing and test automation
* Test case generation based on formal and semi-formal models
* Testing with software usage models
* Testing of reactive and object-oriented systems
* Software simulation by models, forecasts of behavior and properties
* Application of model checking in testing
* Tools for security specification, models, protocols, testing and evaluation
* Theoretical foundations of test automation
* Models as test oracles; test validation with models
* Regression testing
* Automatic Tests selection, prioritization, or orchestration
* Testing anomaly detectors
* Testing cyber physical systems
* Automated usability and user experience testing

====== Guest Editors ======

* Guglielmo De Angelis, CNR-IASI, Italy
* Hyunsook Do, University of North Texas, United States
* Bao N. Nguyen, Cruise LLC, United States

====== Editors ======

* Massimiliano Di Penta
* Darren Dalcher
* Xin Peng
* David Raffo

====== Other Information ======

Manuscript submission deadline: ** 25th Oct. 2022 **

Complete Call for Papers and Submission Information at:

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