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ACONTA 2022 : First European Conference on Augmented Complex Networks - Trustworthy Analysis


When Nov 30, 2022 - Dec 2, 2022
Where Paris
Submission Deadline Sep 30, 2022
Notification Due Oct 31, 2022
Final Version Due Nov 11, 2022
Categories    complex networks   machine learning   XAI   data mining

Call For Papers

Call for papers
ACONTA: Augmented Complex Networks - Trustworthy Analysis
LaMSN, USPN, Paris
November 30, December 2, 2022


Complex networks analysis have been shown to be useful for gaining insights in a wide variety of applications domains such as social interactions, ecology, biological, healthcare, safety and security, and many more. These applications have motivated the extension of network models to richer representations and augmented complex network models, such as feature-rich and higher-order network models. Examples include multiplex networks, multilayer networks, temporal networks attributed networks and network on networks.

Machine learning approaches are being extensively used for obtaining insights into/using these models and for mining knowledge from these models and for a variety of tasks including node classification and role identification, link prediction, community detection, anomaly detection and much more. These tasks are generally required to enable and support critical decisions and should so be largely trustworthy. XAI approaches should be adapted to the networked context, and network analysis can also contribute to devise explainability- oriented features in the targeted applications areas.

This conference aims to bridge the gap between these areas by exploring the use of complex network analysis and explainability in the following featured application areas:
Complex networks in safety and security
Biological and ecological networks
Online Social Networks


The conference will include a set of keynotes and invited talks grounding the different targeted areas : trustworthy machine learning approaches, augmented complex networks models with a special focus on the selected applications fields. The goal is to provide a context to elaborate models and to define actions towards trustworthy approaches in this context of analysing augmented complex networks.

These invited talks, to be given by prominent researchers in the respected areas, should contribute to cross-fertilize ideas to ground this new research direction. This will be done in the context of a panel synthesizing different contributions in order to converge on a common understanding, and to point out interesting research directions in the targeted field of trustworthy analysis of augmented complex networks.

In order to ease building a community in the targeted area, the conference will also feature contributed talks. For this, there will be an open submission and selection process, such that the conference will provide the opportunity for presenting a selection of contributed works.

The contributed talks should either present original work in the targeted area or provide promising directions with respect to work in progress in the focused area.

Paper submissions (2-4 pages ) are solicited according to the following topic list :

Trustworthy machine learning
Certification and machine learning
User-centered approaches
Feature construction for explainability
Feature selection for explainability
Feature-rich networks
Attributed networks
Temporal networks
Dynamic networks
Multiplex networks
Multi-Layer networks
Heterogeneous networks
Applications of all of the above in
Complex networks in safety and security
Biological and ecological networks
Online Social Networks

All submitted papers must
be written in English;
contain author names, affiliations, and email addresses;
be formatted according to the CEUR-WS-Template (use the 2-column style):;
be in PDF + source file(s); make sure that the PDF can be viewed on any platform
Submission should be made using the following submission system :

Extended versions of a selection of contributed papers will be considered for publication in a book: computer science encyclopedia : Learning and complex data mining chapter (ISTE-Wiley) (submission procedure to be detailed january 2023).

Important dates

Submission September 30, 2022
Notification : October 31, 2022
Camera ready : November 11, 2022
Conference : November, 30 - December 2

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