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ISEC 2023 : 16th Innovations in Software Engineering ConferenceConference Series : India Software Engineering Conference | |||||||||||||||
Link: https://isec23.iiita.ac.in/ | |||||||||||||||
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Call For Papers | |||||||||||||||
Call For Papers
ISEC is the annual conference of iSOFT, the India chapter of ACM SIGSOFT India. The 16th edition of the conference will be held at Indian Institute of Information Technology Allahabad, Prayagraj, Uttar Pradesh, India. The goal of the conference is to provide a forum for researchers and practitioners from both academia and industry to meet and share research problems, experiences, and cutting-edge advancements in the field of software and systems engineering. ISEC 2023 invites the submission of technical papers describing original and unpublished results of foundational, theoretical, empirical, and applied software and systems engineering research. Submissions are invited in all areas of software and systems engineering, including but not limited to the following. A new feature in ISEC 2023 is that authors will need to choose one of the following five focus areas. If a paper refers to multiple focus areas, authors could choose the primary area which they feel best represents the paper. Program chairs could re-assign a paper to a different focus area, as needed. AI, Analytics and Software Engineering SE for AI and AI for SE Recommender Systems Autonomous and Adaptive Systems Software Analytics Mining Software Repositories Configuration Management Trustworthy AI Human and Social Aspects of Software Engineering Human Computer Interaction Interactivity in Programming Environments Program Comprehension Crowdsourcing Ethical Issues Collaborative Software Engineering Green Software Engineering Sustainability in Software Development Software Economics Innovative Applications of Socio-economic Value Software Engineering Education Pedagogical Innovation Assessment Methods Technology Enhanced Learning Intelligent Tutoring for Learning Programming Case Studies and Experiences in Teaching of SE Diversity and Inclusion in SE Education Trustworthy Systems Testing Debugging Program Analysis Program Repair Program Synthesis Verification Formal Methods Dependability Security and Privacy Cyber-physical systems Services and Digital Economy Software Maintenance API Evolution, Devops Refactoring Software Architecture Product Lines Software Services Industrial Outlook to Software Engineering Large Scale Software Infra-structures Visualization Project Management Reverse Engineering Re-engineering Any aspect of software engineering not covered by the other focus areas Submission Details We invite submissions under three categories: (1) Regular papers (2) Short papers, and (3) Posters: Regular papers should not exceed 11 pages, 10 pages for the main text (including figures, appendix etc.) and 1 page for references in standard ACM format. Regular paper submissions are expected to contain in-depth descriptions of the new ideas along with a detailed evaluation and sufficient evidence for verifying the results. Selected papers from ISEC 2023, specifically those with high practical value while providing strong foundations, will be invited to submit to Stage 1 of the Registered Papers Track of TOSEM (https://dl.acm.org/journal/tosem/registered-papers) The papers will go through further review in the Registered Track of TOSEM. Short papers should not exceed 5 pages, including references in standard ACM format. Short papers may contain, for example, new, interesting ideas and contributions which may not be evaluated extensively, tool descriptions or case studies. However, the ideas must be robust and of technical merit, with convincing evidence that they can be taken towards completion. Poster papers should not exceed 2 pages. A poster paper is intended to describe work that is at an early stage in development. Accepted poster papers will be provided with an opportunity to display a poster and to discuss the ideas with delegates during a dedicated session of the conference. We are pleased to announce a Best paper award for regular papers and a Best poster award for poster papers, for ISEC 2023. The awards will be decided based on reviews received by the PC and the ISEC Steering Committee and will be announced during the conference. We welcome submissions from Industry in the form of experience reports and/or case studies. Such submissions should address the application of software engineering practices (which may include work on principles, techniques, tools, methods, processes) to a specific business domain or to the development of a substantial software platform/system. Each paper should describe the context of a problem of practical importance and provide plausible solutions. Accepted papers in all categories will be published in the ACM Digital Library and indexed by DBLP. If a submission is accepted, at least one author of the paper is required to attend the conference and present the paper in person. Warning: Submissions must comply with the ACM plagiarism policy and procedures. In particular, it must not have been published elsewhere and must not be under review elsewhere while under review for ISEC. Submission Template: https://www.acm.org/publications/proceedings-template Important Dates AoE (UTC-12h) Full Papers Submission: Wednesday 5, October 2022 Notification of Acceptance: Friday 17, November 2022 Camera Ready Copy Due: Thursday 14, December 2022 For more details, check the conference website:https://isec23.iiita.ac.in/ |