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EAI SGIoT 2022 : 6th EAI International Conference on Smart Grid and Internet of Things


When Nov 19, 2022 - Nov 20, 2022
Where TaiChung, Taiwan
Submission Deadline Aug 15, 2022
Notification Due Sep 15, 2022
Final Version Due Apr 13, 0016
Categories    smart grid   internet of things   IOT

Call For Papers

EAI SGIoT 2022 will be held as an on-site conference and if needed, Accepted Authors who are unable to attend the event in person will be given an option to present remotely.


The Internet of Things (IoT) is a network that uses sensors, cloud computing, and other technologies to interconnect small electronic devices. These devices can transmit data and communicate with each other. The IoT has a wide range of applications. One of the most important applications of IoT is the smart grid. Driven by countries to promote the upgrading of power grid infrastructure, the global smart grid market has continued to grow steadily. It is expected to grow from $73.11 billion in 2017 to $119.74 billion in 2025. The IoT-driven smart grid has become a hot area of research. Therefore, it is the perfect time to invest in a research initiative, e.g., through the 6th SGIoT 2022 conference, in the IoT-dominated smart grid area. The 6th SGiOT 2022 aims to tackle the challenges of IoT-driven smart grid, covering topics ranging from technology issues to new applications, especially focusing on current, novel, and future next-generation IoT-driven smart grid technologies, 5G, 6G, Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Cloud/Edge Computing, and related topics. The 6th SGIoT 2022 aims to bring together researchers, leading academic scientists to share their experiences and research findings on all aspects of IoT-driven smart grid. It also offers a leading interdisciplinary forum for academics, educators, and practitioners to present and discuss the latest technologies, developments, practical challenges, and approaches to IoT-driven smart grid. Prospective authors are cordially invited to submit their original and unpublished research contributions to the 6th SGIoT 2022. Papers, posters, demos, application developers, and researchers are particularly welcome.



All registered papers will be submitted for publishing by Springer and made available through SpringerLink Digital Library: EAI SGIoT Conference Proceedings.

Proceedings will be submitted for inclusion in leading indexing services, such as Ei Compendex, Web of Science, Scopus, Google Scholar, DBLP, and EU Digital Library.

Authors of selected papers will be invited to submit an extended version to:

Springer Wireless Networks Journal (WINET) (IF: 2.659)
All accepted authors are eligible to submit an extended version in a fast track of:

EAI Endorsed Transactions on Scalable Information Systems (Open Access) – indexed in ESCI, Ei Compendex & Scopus
EAI Endorsed Transactions on Internet of Things (Open Access)
Additional publication opportunities:
EAI/Springer Innovations in Communications and Computing Book Series



To address and solve many of the tough challenges in the IoT-driven smart grid, prospective authors are cordially invited to submit their original and unpublished research contributions to this event on the following technical areas of (but not limited to) smart grid communications and IoT:

Communication networks for smart grids and smart metering
Sensor, actuator, and machine-to-machine (M2M) networks for smart grid
Ultra-reliability and low-latency in 5G
Machine learning for smart device networking
Control techniques for smart grid energy systems
Demand-side management, demand response, and dynamic pricing for smart grid
Renewable energy technology and smart grid technologies
Emerging applications, services, and management models of smart grid
Reliability, availability, resiliency, and robustness of the smart grid
Empowering intelligence at the grid edge
New trends and technologies for smart grid
Smart grid cyber security


General Chairs
Der-Jiunn Deng
National Changhua University of Education, Taiwan
Han-Chieh Chao
National Dong Hwa University, Taiwan
Jyh-Cheng Chen
National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University, Taiwan

Technical Program Committee Chairs
Chun-Cheng Lin
National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University, Taiwan
Lun-Ping Hung
National Taipei University of Nursing and Health Sciences, Taiwan
Chien-Liang Chen
Overseas Chinese University, Taiwan


This event is organized by EAI (

EAI – European Alliance for Innovation is a non-profit organization and a professional community established in cooperation with the European Commission to empower the global research and innovation, and to promote cooperation between European and International ICT communities.

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