We cordially invite you to take part in the METANANO School on Optical Biosensing to be held online on 15-19 August 2022.
Optical biosensing is new fast growing interdisciplinary direction at the junction of nanophotonics, biochemistry, microfluidics, medicine. Due to the modern achievements in nanophotonics one can detect even single virus particles, sort the molecule of different chirality, or read DNA chains.
The world's best experts will give lectures grouped into a 5-day course on optical biosensing. The course will start from the fundamentals and will cover the latest achievements as well. The school will help you to get the skills necessary for conducting your own scientific research in this new exciting area.
All participants of the School will be offered to complete a written final test based on the school's lectures content. Students who will successfully pass the test (higher than 85% correct answers) will be awarded 3 ECTS.